20. Relationships Are Different - 1

Start from the beginning

     Once I've managed to crawl inside I quickly head to the platform bed that rests in the corner of the small house. With a groan, I fall down onto the bed and shiver when my brother lays down behind me - his arms wrapping around my torso. We have the same build, both of us being very physically active during our highschool years. Even now when we might not have time with our jobs, we try to go to the Pack gym on a set schedule.

     The only difference between us are our jobs and our hair. While Luke let his hair grow out, I decided to shave mine from the sides, only letting a bundle grow on the top of my head. As far as jobs go, Luke currently works as a Vice-Principal, leaving early in the morning and coming back around four in the afternoon with the worst parent cases one could imagine. I am still studying to become a physical therapist, only needing a couple more months to get my certification. But right now we are starting winter break, which means that Luke can work from home and I have no classes.

     I guess since I'm talking about our lives I should also mention that we're both exclusively tops when it comes to sexual relationships. While intercourse between us is a no-go because. . .well, I don't think I need to explain that, we shared partners. Though because we knew that we would hopefully meet our mate at some point, that we couldn't get too invested.

     "He'll give us a chance, Lev." Luke whispers against my back, I grumble and turn over in his hold to huff against his face.

     "How do you know?" His eyes soften at the question. There is a con to knowing everything about me. The con is that he can read my emotions and tell them apart, that he can tell when I'm seriously angry or simply pretending to be angry to tease the hell out of him.

     "Because he's like us. Just wait, okay? Tomorrow morning we'll go check on him in his pack, just waltz right in there and you'll see that he'll still be there." He explains, arms hauling me into him.

     Leaning forward, I rest my head against his shoulder. "What time do we leave?" Luke hums beneath me, aused at my excitement. It's not like I can help it, while I love my brother, my wolf already loves our mate and I want them both with me at all times.

     "Before 10 a.m., but we still have to tell mom and dad so they don't wake up screeching their heads off when they don't find us in our rooms." He says with a chuckle that makes me smile.

     "We're adults, Luke."

     He snorts, "Try telling them that."

     Falling back into the warmth of his chest, I let myself finally relax at the promise of seeing our mate again tomorrow. "Thank you."

     Combing a hand through my hair, he shushes me. "Of course, not get some rest, I'll wake you up when we have to head back home."



     Having a sigh, I carefully remove my hand from my brother's waist to comb it through my hair - pushing the wandering locks back over my ears. It's scary, seeing my arrogant, confident brother break down when he overthinks but it's understandable - I understand him. Already 27 and we just found our mate, a mate that had vocally rejected us when he got the chance too. The words served to break down our wolves quickly, and with them, so did we.

     When we happened to feel the presence of our mate close by, it was hard for my brother to keep up his nonchalant appearance. Instead of doing what he wanted to do (which was run towards our mate and engulf him in his arms) he chose another path, acting like he expected our mate to come running back to us all along. Which we both knew wasn't the case.

     The fact that we had even bumped into him as well as the fact that we happened to live right next to the Pack that he is visiting - is pure luck.

     Looking down at my brother I smile as he incoherently mumbles things in his sleep.

     It's also nice. Seeing someone people think is arrogant, overconfident, and cocky, be someone real. Lev has. . .issues expressing himself. Mainly because when he does express himself people tend to misunderstand him and not see where he's coming from. They can't relate to him. Once he realized people were just as arrogant as he claimed to be, he stepped away from the thought of socializing and instead simply confided in me.

     Of course sometimes I'm the one that overthinks. And in those cases, my brother is always here for me. We have come to depend and trust each other with our very lives. Brushing back his hair, I lean down to press my lips against his warm forehead.

     I can keep his secrets, from everyone and anyone if he wants me to. But our mate, he can read us even if he already rejected us, that's what the bond ensured - that he's connected to us by fate. Destiny foretold our meeting, probably in her BL journal somewhere, and because of that he isn't going to escape us that easily.

     I just hope we aren't too late to stop him from leaving our very reachable grasp. 


Idk what's the deal w wolves having other jobs aside from their pack duties, but clearly this is just how werewolf stories work sometimes. I'm not gonna go into the dynamics of it when even I think it's a little odd, but I also won't b changing it cuz the story is already complete. 


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