13. Late Night Catchup

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Edit/Re-Written: June 7, 2022

A Knight W/ Shining Eyes: Chapter Thirteen; Late Night Catchup

Warnings: none.

Fluctuating 3rd POV

Heat spreads through Neal's body, accompanied by tiny shocks and tingles. They spread through his limbs with newfound sensitivity - sensitivity he only felt around his mate. It resembled the shocks that one feels when their limbs go to sleep. Those thousand tiny shockwaves of prickling static. These were just more defined though, and instead of prickling static, they came with prickling arousal. Neal loved it.

There was also this undeniable presence in the back of his mind, whispering and muttering the secrets of the day to him. Ever since Ian had told them what he had done he had recognized it immediately. There had always been additional weight with him, he just thought it was normal, the presence of a consciousness so many people speak about. Now though, he's able to distinguish it, he knows what it is.

Pulling away from the kiss he stops them from going any further, resting his forehead against Erics and using his hands to press against the other's chest. It's firm beneath his touch, "Wait- I gotta catch my breath, and even if I didn't, we still have to stop."

Humming questioningly, Eric tightens his hold on Neal's torso, lips puffing. Neal almost giggles because is he pouting? "Why?"

"Because we've been traveling all day, and I'm ti-ired." He whines like it's obvious, "Can't we just rest?"

And okay, maybe "rest" wasn't the correct word to use, not with the way Eric's eyes narrow at the question. "What's going on, Bright Eyes?"

Chewing on his bottom lip, he decides to answer. "Your friend is going to invite you over tonight to "catch up". I- uh, I want to sleep now while you're here because I'll have a hard time going to sleep when you're not." He admits, a blush forming on his cheeks as he catches his mate's smile.

"Alright then," Eric shifts, laying them both back down on his childhood bed. After a second of pensive thought, he turns to meet Neal's eyes. "Do you mind if I take you with me? You can always sleep with Ian."

The suggestion catches Neal off guard, but he understands the unsaid concern. Eric's Pack, aside from his Alpha's, were still wary of him and since Eric had left years ago - he didn't know its current people or what they were capable of. "Yeah. Can we still try and go to sleep now? So I can transfer over easily?"

There is still a bit of uncertainty as he asks the question. Uncertainty towards Eric's facial expressions and what they all mean. There hasn't been enough time for him to study his mate, and he knows that it'll take time - to get to know more about one another as they have been. Knowing that, he ignores the anxiety that makes him want to coil into himself and pushes through it.

Noticing his uncertainty, Eric grips his chin softly and tilts his head up. "Okay, let's get some rest."

With a peck to his lips he stands from the bed and heads downstairs to get the duffle pack they had packed. Finding Neal in the same spot as before, he pats his leg, encouraging him to get up and change. His mate whines against the mattress, but listens, grabbing the offered clothes and toiletries. When they're both changed and groomed they lay back onto the empty bed, Eric scouring through the closet for a thin blanket beforehand.

When they get comfortable he throws it over their laying forms. It isn't a spacious bed by any means, but even that is the case, there's still an impressive amount of space between himself and Neal - who lets out a grunt in annoyance at that realization. Releasing a low whine he shoots his hand back, trying to grasp for Eric who purposely shifts back to avoid the grasping limbs. After a couple of seconds of silent struggling, his mate gives up, huffing as he coils into himself facing away.

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