9. Shane & Diesel

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Edit/Re-Written: June 4, 2022

     A Knight W/ Shining Eyes: Chapter Nine; Shane & Diesel 

Warnings: none.

Fluctuating 3rd POV

     Releasing a heavy sigh, Eric falls back onto the backrest of one of his leather couches. With a heavy hand he rubs his eyes, worry consumes him as he tries to process the new insecurity; would Neal leave him?

     No — he couldn't possibly. Even when they had only spent a couple of days together there was no real reason for his mate to even consider it. Right?

     Shaking his head, he leans forward to grab his laptop and settle it over his lap. There's no point in overthinking his mates actions now. He had already given them permission to leave the pride of his home, all he can do now is trust in him. Setting that matter aside, Eric focuses on his laptop screen. As soon as the duo had left he had taken it upon himself to do research on the D/s lifestyle. Web Page after web page pop up with loads of information, most being personal blogs about the lifestyle experience. Putting it in simple terms; Eric is confused. Is there a difference between BDSM and DDLG? Or did they simply have similar components and are completely different things? And what about the types of instruments used for punishments?

     It's a lot to take in and honestly there's just some things Eric doesn't think he can ever do. Like tie Neal up? Hard no. But if it's for his mates pleasure? Could such actions really do that? But what if he somehow messes up and just ends up bringing his mate pain? What then?

     The fact of the matter is; Eric can be dominant, but he doesn't want to be if it introduces things like pain into their relationship. They would really need to try and talk about this sooner or later, especially if things such as pain are things that Neal enjoys.

     A dry chuckle escapes him when a confused sensation overtakes the air. He ignores how his body relaxes in relief at the idea of their mate finally being back in his house and, placing his laptop on one of cushions, he stands to find his mate. Quietly he sneaks up behind his mate through the kitchen, catching him off guard when he wraps his arms around the other's torso. Neal's erratic heartbeat fills the air, only calming down when Eric has him cradled to his chest.

     Something new swims in his full green eyes, but before Eric can get a good look at the new emotion Neal is closing his eyes and snuggling into his chest. Leading them back into the living room, Neal ends up straddling his lap when he sits back down on the couch. With a huff Neal's shifting, wrapping his arms around Eric's neck and hiding his neck in the crook of the other's neck.

     A comfortable silence overtakes them until Neal whispers, "What were you doing?" He leans back slightly to rub the tip of his nose under Eric's jaw, eyes snapping over to the open computer.

     "Just research." The other responds in a murmur, arms tightening around Neal's torso. Having him in his arms is a whole lot different than thinking he's alright. Eric knows his mate can handle himself just fine without his help, but still, having the other under his touch brings copious amounts of relief and comfort.

     Letting out a hum in understanding, Neal sits back to meet his gaze. "You know you don't have to do that—"


     "Let me finish." Neal reprimands with narrowed eyes, getting something out of the way his mate's mouth snaps shut. "I like the way you are, Eric. How you were last time, and this morning is everything I'm coming to like. Just keep being yourself."

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