Chapter 19- The News

Começar do início

I know I said I was going to pull off her mask but I was never actually planning on doing it. If I were to reveal who she actually was something was going to go wrong. I also noticed that her mask was on extra tight. Tighter than the last time.

I carry her in my arms and start running towards the door. I slam them open and head into the basement. I run down the flight of steps and see my mom already down there.

"Mom help!" I yelled.

She turns and her face turn into shock. I place Lexi on the hospital like bed. My mom starts putting IVs in her arm and gets her supplies she needs.

I'm holding a now bloody towel over Lexi's hip to try and prevent the blood from spilling out even more. I stare at Lexi and can see her stomach going up and down. She is starting to loose oxygen. She's dying.

"What happened and why is she wearing a mask?" My mom questioned.

"Her name is Lexi. She is a fighter that beat me two weeks ago and we were fighting again tonight and she was about to knock me out until someone in the crowd shot her. The mask part, I really don't know." I say staring at Lexi

"Alright well go upstairs and don't come down until I tell you to." my mom tells me

I sigh and nod my head. I start to turn away and started to walk up the steps. I reach to the top of the steps and pause for a moment. I turn my body around and look at my mom.

"Don't let her die." I tell her.

"I'll try my best." she replies.

I opened the door and enter the living room. I look around and rub my hands on my pants. I look down and notice that i'm covered in Lexi's blood.

"I guess I should take a shower." I tell myself.

I start to walk towards the steps and head upstairs. I go into my room and go into my closet. I grab a pair of camouflage joggers with a black t-shirt. I head into my bathroom and start to shower.

Our gang isn't that big but whenever someone needs to get away they come here. Everyone has their own room and bathroom.

After my shower I got dressed and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and started thinking.

"Who shot Lexi?"

Was the first question that popped up in my mind. Nothing is adding up. I mean all the gangs want her. Heck I even want her in my gang but I don't think anyone would go that far to kill her.

I look to my left and read my clock. 10:46pm it read. Wait. Where were Ivan and Ryder? They should be here by now. Panic in me starts to rise and I grab my phone.

I unlocked it and went straight to messages. I noticed I had a new message at the top. I read the name and realized it was the group chat with Ivan and Ryder in it. Relief washed over me as I clicked on the chat.

Going to Chick-fil-a because we want food. We will bring you back something.
Sent 10:27pm

They should be here any minute now.

How could they possibly think to go to Chick-fil-a at a time like this. Like I get they're hungry but still. Thy always pick the wrong time to eat. Jesus.

Minutes later I hear the front door open and close. I rush downstairs and see Ivan and Ryder heading into the kitchen.

"Hey guys." I catch their attentions

"Hey Em." Ivan says.

Ryder turns around with a face full of food. I laughed at him. Ivan hands me my food and we all sit around the table. Everyone eats in silence. The only sound was heard was people eating.

"So how is Lexi?" Ryder breaks the silence.

I look up and I see Ryder and Ivan staring back at me waiting for my reply. I swallow the rest of my food and take a sip of my milkshake before I speak.

"She barely had a pulse when I brought her to the basement. She was loosing a lot of blood too." I sighed.

"She will be okay hopefully." Ivan says.

"Hopefully." I say under my breathe.

"Why did you save her Emilio?" Ryder catches me off guard.

I stared back up at him and just started thinking. Why did I save her? I mean it could've been just because of shock. Right?

"I don't know. I panicked and it was my first thought to help her." I say honestly.

"Hey I mean since you saved her then you can blackmail her to joining the gang." Ryder suggests.

"You're right!" Ivan yells causing us to turn our attention back to him.

We began eating again and it was almost 12am already. Time flies when you're having fun. We were all sitting and watching tv. A few moments later we hear a door open and close. Then footsteps walking towards the living room.

Everyone turns their heads to the entrance and my mom comes into view. She looks at us with something different in her eyes.

"Mom what is it?" Ivan questioned.

"Do you want to good or bad news first?" she tells us

"Good." Ivan, Ryder, and I say at the same time.

"The surgery went really well and she is breathing again." My mom says.

All 3 of us let go a breath that we didn't realize we were holding. Relief washed over everyone but worry was still there.

"And what's the bad news?" Ryder asked nervously.

"She went into a coma." my mom sighs.


Why did Emilio save Lexi? Will he find out if Lexi is Dallas? What about his mom? Does she know? Why did it take so long for Ivan and Ryder to come back? Shouldn't they have been there already? Did they really only get Chick-fil-a? Will Lexi survive the coma? What will happen next?
Find out in...
I Punched Emilio Martinez

I Punched Emilio MartinezOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora