chapter fourteen

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I woke up the next morning with a throbbing headache.I searched my drawer for any pain reliever ,I couldn't find any.I lazily got up to the bathroom to take a shower to feel a little better.I finished and wore a pink gown that's free and comfy, before going to eat I had to peep first if my dad was up.I didn't want to meet with my dad at the table to avoid any awkward situation unlucky for me my dad was there.I thought of going back to the room but I closed my eyes and sat down.we all ate in silence the only thing you could hear was the scraping sound of the forks on the plates and the sipping sound of tea from the cups.we all finished and I cleared the table.I was lying on my bed when a call entered.

"Assalamualaikum" he spoke


"How are you??

"I'm fine,you?

"Alhamdullilah," am outside your house can I see you?he asked

"Yeah sure"

"uhm please can you wear your maroon hijab please?


"Just wear it please please please please please...."ok ok I said cutting him off

I completely forgot that I agreed to meet him today,this is the first time we'd be meeting in person normally we chat,call and all but never met in person except the first time he saw me and asked for my number.I looked for my hijab everywhere I couldn't find it ,then I remembered it was in the laundry basket I sniffed it to check if it's dirty or smelling and I sprayed a little perfume on it,I applied kohl on my very puffy eyes so it would look better than before.I took one more glance at the mirror to straighten my hijab putting it on my chin.I licked my lips and went out.he was outside already waiting for me dressed in a blue kaftan as he leaned his very fine Mercedes Benz.

"hey"he said sliding his hands in his pocket


"No offense but can you wear your hijab properly"he told me

"excuse me" I said angrily

"I'm sorry I just don't like it when girls put their hijabs on their chin it doesn't look really nice at all"

I scoffed and repaired it"I didn't do it because you asked me too get that"i told him

"now you look like my girlfriend"he said flashing that his killer smile that can melt Antarctica

Girlfriend? my inner me was screaming loudly all I could do was smile back like an idiot.

"are you okay?he asked me concerned

"yeah am fine,why?

"you sure,your eyes look a bit puffy"

"it's nothing I didn't get much sleep"

"oh I guess I should leave you to rest"

"no it's fine"I smiled

"you have a cute smile"he told me scratching the back of his neck

"you too" i told him and he blushed like a five year old child

"why did you ask me to wear this hijab"i asked him

" uhm well you look really good in maroon"

"We hardly meet how did you know I look good in maroon" I asked him raising an eyebrow

" well..

"well??I gasped, are you stalking me?"

"what! no,stalking you"he laughed

"then why"

"the first time I met you,you were wearing maroon that day"

"i was?

"yeah you can't remember?


"anyway you looked really fine in maroon that's why I begged to wear it"he lowered his gaze as he heart melted after I heard him say that.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward at first we both just stood there waiting for who to start a conversation.we wanted to start at the same time and he motioned for me to talk first...

"so what are your plans now"i asked him

"Uhh nothing really,I went to school,I graduated,got a job the only thing left for me is to get married and settle down and from the looks of it I've found that someone already.

My head was down the whole time he said that I couldn't let him see me smiling from ear to ear.

"I should let you rest so I'll start going"he said

"alright inshaaAllah"

"bye take care of yourself"he smiled and got into his car.I waved and entered inside.


Today is salma's engagement it's not a big party or something family and friends from both the bride and groom to be all  come together to witness the groom to be officiating that he will marry the bride.things required from the bride's family are brought from the groom's side.I woke up as early as possible so I wouldn't be late to the engagement.I dressed up quickly and rushed to their was a bit crowded with people but no too many people.I met salma in her room dressed in a simple atampa skirt and blouse with a matching veil on her shoulder,surrounded by some of her relatives and friends.
Everything was finalized and the only thing left was to set a date for the wedding.salma decided she wanted to get married after her university cause she couldn't juggle marriage and was a bit hard for elders to agree with her decision but finally they did.everything was done done Alhamdullilah and everyone left leaving the house empty.I slept over at their place because salma kept begging me to stay.I called my mom telling her I won't be coming back till the next day.we talked about so many things that she's becoming a bride soon,planned how we want the bridal shower to be,the kind of house she wants to live was so much fun but I couldn't believe my best friend would be getting married and leaving me behind,the mere thought of it brought tears to my eyes and I fought hard to control it cause I didn't want to ruin the moment.

I hope I got the engagement part correctly I don't really know how its done.😂
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I hope it's not very short I dunno how to write long chapters my fingers are numb already😊

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