"Huh?" He seems shocked a little but he's back in his calm self in a split second. "Why would you think that?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. You just don't talk much around me."

"It's because I'm like this Andrea," he answered, "It's not that I don't like you. It's just that you're new and you don't know anything about me."

"Okay..." I replied. Didn't know what to argue again, "Pardon my question."

Then the lost boys started to arrive at camp. They started saying things like "Is Lunch ready yet?", "I'm starving".

I smiled at them, "Sorry. You guys have to wait a little bit longer."

They sat around the campfire. Then Caden told me to peel the potatoes, I do it without any fuzz. Then something came up to my mind.

"Excuse me boys." I called to the lost boy, "I want to ask you some questions if that is okay with all of you."

"Sure," Zapp said, "Go ahead."

"Fant and Peter," I started, "They both have magic don't they?"

All the boys seems to look at each other, probably confused by my question. Then they all laughed.

"What is it that you all find funny?" I asked a little irritated.

"You just realised that?" Lex asked me back.

"I knew it. I just wanted to make sure. What is funny about that," I replied, "But how? How come they got magic?"

Of course I'm going to asked that, because we are not in the enchanted forest. How could this place got magic?

"Cause this is Neverland," Felix answered, "The source of all magic. Don't you know that?"

"How could you asked that?" Dayn asked me back.

"It seems that you don't know anything." Kaein said.

"Well how could I," I replied, "I've only known my castle all my life."

"What?" Kaein asked.

"My aunt," I answered, "Never let me out of the castle. Never once in my life. Oh. I did once, I followed her to the village. Then, she did the most horrible thing I could ever imagine right in front of my eyes. Since then, it seems that I never want to follow her out of the castle again. And she wouldn't let me go out without her. So I decided to stay in the castle. Rather than having to watch her do that again."

"What did she do?" Zapp asked.

"She strangled a man, for not doing what she told him to do." I answered. The memory started to go back to my head.

"And she does that all the time?" Hade asked.

"Well she wouldn't have her name if she didn't do that stuff all the time." I answered.

"Who is your aunt?" Jupe asked.

"The evil queen," I answered, "Ever heard of her?"

"Oh... we did," Felix said, "But she is nothing compare to Pan and Fant. Her magic is weak."

"What?" I was shocked. I thought that Pan was just being cocky, but is it true. Is he stronger than Regina?

"How could Pan and Fant be stronger than her?"

Suddenly I heard a voice, Fant's voice to be exact.

"Stronger than who?"


"What is it that you want to talk about old man?" I asked him, after we teleported to the beach.

"You know something don't you?" Asked Pan.

I looked at him confusingly.

"Your vision," he told me, "It told you who Andrea is didn't it? Does it involve me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," he said, "There's just something about her that seems off. But it's not in a bad way. It's hard to keep my demeanour side around her. Same with me around you, but it's a little bit different. And I just don't know why."

I smiled immediately, "You felt it don't you?" Now he's the one who gave me the confused look, "The spark."

"Spark?" he asked again, "Why would I feel any spark?"

"Peter... she's your happily ever after."

Sorry a little late for the christmas, but better late than never right...
Happy New Year🎉🎉!
I wish you only the best of the best for this new year to come. Write new chapters in your new book tittle '2019'. Learn from the mistake that you've had written and try to see it in a new point of view. Try to see everything in a positive angle from now on alright. And believe that many good things will happened this year💙💙

Sunshine (Peter Pan OUAT)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora