Chapter 1

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Lyssa is a Junior in high school. She goes to CHS (Cleburne High School). Has a mix of Golden Brown/Light Blonde curly mess of a thing you call hair. Has and ok build and about 5'10. CHS's mascot is the yellow jacket.

~~Lyssa's POV~~

I wake up with my alarm clock screeching to wake me up. I groan and turn it off grumbling as I groggily sit up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. As I'm rinsing my vanilla bean shampoo and conditioner out of my hair I hear my brother falling out of bed trying to wake up. This is my normal routine.

•Wake up

•Take a shower

•Change into my normal sweats and tank top

•Head off to practice


"Hey Lyssa" I hear from the boys locker room I shout a quick hey back as I head in the girls locker room.

I quickly change into my football gear and sprint to the field just as Coach Q walks onto the field it's just me and Coach on the field right now. Me being on the field this early is because well I'm the Captain and the Quarterback. Since I'm the captain I feel as I should be on the field before anyone else from the team.

Im in the middle of stretching when the rest of the team walks onto the field in there gear. I go ahead and finish my stretches real quick and go talk to the team.

"Hey guys what's up"

" Oh hey Lyssa we're just talking about Broady he's only got Ash and you left until he's slept with 'em all" my best friend Luke commented.

"Yea he's sleeping with Ash tonight so looks like your the last one left Lyssa" Connor my other best friend and also fellow teammate said

"You know he won't leave you alone 'till you give in Lys" Luke told me

"Like that's gonna happen"

I said

Let me explain Broady Livenski ( Live-en-ski). Broady is are schools Man-Whore he got this bright idea freshman year to sleep with every girl in are school which he has almost accomplish except he has one road block that won't let that happen ME. I'm saving my virginity for someone special that I love. Broady is very rich and popular and that's how he's gotten most of the girls already promising them something.

Speaking of the devil here comes Broady 15 minutes late I might as well add.

He's late every practice but Coach Q won't let me kick him off the team since he's one of are best players we have

he's are right/center linebacker and we don't have a back up yet I plan to find one soon.

" Hey Lyssa what are we doing today" Broady shouts

" We're running two miles than were gonna do 100 supermans 150 crunches 100 push-ups and than go over some plays everybody" I shouted so everybody would hear me.

I hear moans and groans and some cheers I usually give more but today's a Monday and I don't feel like listening to them whine all day long.


"Alright everybody we gotta big game next Friday and we need to focus and pay Attention (Broady) during practices but also on the field next week alright go ahead and shower and change and head to class! " Coach Q yelled

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