2018/09/11 - remembrance (double drabble)

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Today we remember a day which shocked the whole world almost two decades ago, and every year in doing so we carve the notch on history's bedpost a little deeper. But this is not the only day worth remembering – in fact, we have so many of them, we could mourn and remember every day of the year and do nothing else.

World Peace Day, World Hunger Day, World Women's Day, World Refugee Day, World Health Day...

Safer Internet Day, World Sleep Day, World Radio Day, World Tourist Guide Day, World Grandpa Underpants Day.

Okay, I made the last one up. But seriously, the truly important days should not only be remembered once a year – these are issues which should be addressed and acted upon always, until they are issues no more.

And the other remembrance days are nothing but ridiculous; they trivialize the real problems by putting them on the same level of importance.

I understand the need for more positivity in this world, and I support it. We need to feel happy in order to know sadness, and vice versa. And, by all means, we could use some good news!

But let's not lose sight of what is important.

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