2017/05/10 - carpe diem (triple drabble)

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The morning is clear and bright. You feel energized to brimming and ready for action. There are so many things you want to do today. Go for a walk, go shopping, clean your home, meet your friends, call your family, complete the game you recently bought. Study and write, draw and read, set up a cupboard and do some gardening. But where to start? You want to do everything at once. If only you could clone yourself to accomplish that!

First you push the button and make yourself a nice cup of coffee; all decisions are reached faster enhanced by a cup of coffee, you believe. So where to start this lovely day? The weather is nice, but there are so many things to do at home, too. As you contemplate, a whole pot is emptied before you decide you have had enough. The afternoon is gone by the time you realize you have done nothing yet. How odd is that. You have had so many plans, yet you haven't started a single thing.

By now it is too late for shopping or going for a walk or gardening. Disappointed and disheartened you sit down and try to write or draw, but you can't force creativity. So the paper stays as blank as your mind, and you set the idea about creativity aside. The instructions tell you, you need some help to set up the cupboard, and you don't want to bother your friends and family so late. As you sit down to study you feel tired and find it hard to concentrate. So reading is not an option either. You remember why you stopped playing that game, as you are stuck, and you don't want to clean any more either.

Nobody said it was easy to seize the day.

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