2016/04/07 - interview one of your characters (10 questions for Raphael Raven)

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Q1: Who are you?

A1: The name's Raphael Raven. I'm a 2475 years-old Daemon and the CEO of Raven Corp.

Q2: Where are you from?

A2: I'm an inhabitant of Neverbeen Universe. I currently live in Thuddington City on Earth, but originally I come from a different, highly magical world.

Q3: So in 'Ravenous Adventures' you return to that magical world. What is your goal there?

A3: Actually, I've three goals. First I want to do some research on lost clan's knowledge. Then I need to retrieve the Timechrystal, a mighty artifact that enables you to timetravel. But suddenly my lover gets kidnapped. So saving Gene is the most important to me.

Q4: Do you have hobbies?

A4: Yeah, I like cooking. Since I don't need food to survive I like experimenting what I find pleasant tasting. Oh, and I've always wanted to be a dragon trainer. About a millenium ago I actually found a Swordrak egg and raised it. Now Tyrion and I are buddies for life. He's still half wild though.

Q5: As a magical being, what is your specialty?

A5: I'm a pretty decent telepath. That means I can link my mind with others, receive and send thoughts even across large distances. I was trained to sustain strong telepathic assaults and return them. I once invented a sci-fi computer game by Raven Corp based on telepathy. The game completely takes place in my mindscape, and the users auto-link with my mind when they dream. It's pretty cool but also quite taxing to have so many people around my head.

I'm also good at teleportation. So I can jump places within the blink of an eye. It's pretty straining on my heart, though. I've a weak heart condition so I don't use this skill very often. But don't mind, it's probably worse than it sounds. In 'Ravenous Adventures' I actually manage a jump through time once. But I'll likely never do it again. Both skills run in my family, though.

Q6: Who do you trust?

A6: Well, I'm actually a wary person. So there's only four people I trust. First is my human lover, Gene Hoffman, who's just as nerdy as I am. Second comes my twin sister, Reka Raven. She's my proxy at Raven Corp. Then there's my best friend, Thanatos Vulture, who's the most gentlemanly Reaper I know. And last but not least: my best rival, Phobos Morgenstern, the ingenious seal technician who I call 'the Old Grump'.

Q7: What do you fear?

A7: Fear, hm... The thing is, I've prophetic dreams. They're nightmares without exception. So every night I dream of the future for all my life, that makes 365 times 2475 nightmares come true so far. And the thing I fear is...that whatever I do I'll never be able to change the future; that I'll never see the day my dreams are actually wrong; that there's something like fate and determinism. But don't mind. I still keep fighting though, I always will.

Q8: What is your favourite animal?

A8: Dragons. Definitely dragons. These creatures are just so fascinating. They're majestic, proud and independent. Some of them are as old as time and twice as wise. As a boy I used to always play around the dragon stables of my father's fortress. The dragons used to talk to me through their beautiful colour telepathy. I was totally over the moon. I did mention I wanted to be a dragon trainer, right?

Q9: Do you have a motto?

A9: I don't really have one. But if I was to choose I'd say 'never give up' and 'ill weeds go apace'. This attitude has helped me through a lot of tough situations and it saved my neck quite often. I'd go even as far as to say giving up is not in my nature. Whatever the odds I'd see it through. Otherwise I wouldn't have lived as long as I have.

Q10: Last but not least: if there was one thing you could change in the world what would that be?

A10: Gene's lifespan. Compared to Daemons a human's life is much too short; it'd be over within the blink of an eye. Gene is in his thirties now; soon he'll wither and die, and I'll still be here for a long time. If I could elongate my lover's lifespan we could be together until the very end. But don't mind; there are spells out there to accomplish that. So that's actually one thing I can change.

Thank you for your time.

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