"Doflamingo." Law's raged and gruff voice sent chills down my spine. I turned towards him only to seeing him wear an expression I'd never seen him wear before. True anger.

     Law's livid posture made me slip a hand onto his bicep. "Relax, Captain. Let's go find a tavern to sit and discuss what we've just gathered." His brows were still furrowed and his eyes kept their fury, but he gently set his tattooed fingers over mine and pushed my hand back to me. Though he kept a firm stare as he responded.

     "There's a lot to talk about. We'll find a place to rest for the night." That was his stern answer, nothing else left his lips as Robin and Bepo led the way to an inn that they had spotted downtown.

Law's P.O.V.

     I kept a slow pace behind the others, trying my best to keep out of their space. But no matter what, F/N always shortened her strides so that I wouldn't be left behind. And although I'm not appreciative of her company at the moment, I'm sure I will be grateful for her in the near future.

"Here," Robin said, pointing up at a sandstone building with a wooden canopy. "This is the inn Bepo and I had spotted earlier. Good thing I took note of it." She smiled and waved for us to follow her inside.

     It was built like any other tavern with low ceilings and short circle tables. A bar counter closed off the dining room from the kitchen.

     Pirates were everywhere. Each seat filled with a different unknown crew. Glares were sent our way as we sat at a table in the far right corner. F/N on one side and Bepo on the other, Robin next to them.

     "What can I get for y'all?" a perky waitress asked us, blonde curls bobbing in their pigtail holders. I slid my eyes over to F/N, watching her quietly as she ordered a simple bottle of rum. The way her eyelashes batted slightly as she nodded her head was mesmerizing.

"And you?" the waitress asked me.

"Moonshine." She nodded and scribbled the order down into her notepad before skipping off to the bar.

     F/N chewed at her bottom lip as she stared off into space, her eyes holding unspoken thoughts. "Shall I start with my piece of information?" She asked, rubbing her temple and panning through the people at the table.

     "By all means," Robin said with a nod, taking a sip of her red wine that had been dropped off by the waitress.

     "Doflamingo is a vaguely remembered name in my mind. But now that I've thought back on it, it's become vivid." F/N started. "My father works in the black market, selling anything that was worth the labor. Doflamingo was one of his suppliers."

     "Wait, 'works'?" Robin furrowed her brows. "Didn't Luffy say that your dad was dead?"

I hadn't heard the news before. "Luffy was only saying that to save me the trouble of explaining. But it seems that it was in vain as we are sat here now discussing the very matter," she sighed.

     "Look, I'm not going to express my entire life story to you. But the facts that matter in this situation are crucial, if you have any information then please enlighten me." There was this hard look in F/N's eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. My mind flashed back to the expression I saw on her face while walking through the streets, a mix of confusion and emptiness.

     Bepo apologized immediately after. "I am not familiar with Doflamingo. The information I know is as limited as the next pirate," Robin stated while taking a short sip of her wine.

     I decided that it was my turn. "We are well acquainted with each other, although I wish it were otherwise. He's a warlord and if anything this entire ordeal is going against his contract with the government. So I'm still confused as to why he's doing it if he knows it's going to corrupt his image." I said, the words coming off my tongue with so much hesitation I didn't think I'd be able to say them.

     The table fell silent as they took in the information. F/N twirled her onyx curls around her finger, eyes distant and uninvolved. I slid my arm under the table and set my hand on top of hers, earning a small glance of understanding in return.

     "Let's call it a night, get our rooms and relax. This matter can be discussed in the morning, seeing as the moon is already out." After F/N said that, we all looked to the windows. And, indeed, night had fallen.

F/N's P.O.V.

I slipped into my room, shutting the wooden door behind me. The flat consisted of a simple king bed with red sheets and a nightstand. Although the room did come with its own washroom, which is great considering I wouldn't have to bathe with random women.

     The room was pitch, all light coming from the sheer moon. My mind was still going over the information I was given, but it only started to give me a headache.

     I felt it again. That dreadful dip in my stomach that put static in my fingers. I lifted my hand to my neck, rubbing it in discomfort. An empty and painful feeling tugged at the back of my throat. Like dehydration.

     Quickly, I went to the bathroom and started drinking the tap water to try and make the feeling go away. I took a deep breath and stood up straight, but instead of a mirror I saw pitch black as I dropped to the floor.


i felt like that was a good spot to end it! youre all going to enjoy the next chapter for sure. lots of action and love.
sorry for the late chapter and i hope u enjoyed!

Total Word Count: 2303

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