Part 9

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Perrie threw her front door open, giggling to herself as she replayed the night over in her head. She had so much fun just being with Leigh and her coworkers and having a good time. Sure, she had only had two drinks the entire night, but it had been fun to watch pretty much everyone else lose control.

The best part of the night definitely had to be when Leigh got up on the table and started to dance around like a lunatic while a bunch of guys crowded around under her to look up her dress. Then, Leigh had leaned back to crowd surf, but only a few people actually had enough coordination to catch her, so she went crashing down to the floor.

Perrie laughed to herself some more at the memory and went to the kitchen to fetch herself a glass of water. Her throat was dry from all of the yelling she had done. She glanced at the kitchen clock and saw that it was two in the morning. The weird thing was it was super late, but she didn’t feel tired in the slightest. Perrie downed the glass of water quickly, and just as she was filling up her cup with water again, she heard someone banging on her front door.

Sure, Perrie may have been slightly drunk, but that didn’t stop her in the slightest from going into fight or flight mode. Who the hell would be banging on her door at two in the morning? Perrie instantly freaked out and hid herself behind the island in her kitchen. She figured if she didn’t answer the door, whoever it was would figure that she was asleep and leave her alone.

Unfortunately for Perrie, the pounding didn’t stop for quite some time. After what Perrie guessed was two minutes of knocking, it finally stopped. Perrie let out a sigh of relief, and slowly started making her way around her kitchen again when she heard a clicking sound. Shit, Perrie thought, I forgot to lock the front door.

If Perrie had been completely sober, she probably would have reacted quickly and reached for something that could function as a weapon. But instead, she just stood there glued to her spot in fear. She heard scattered footsteps and couldn’t help but think what is this person doing?

As Perrie’s heartbeat increased and she considered the possibilities of what could happen to her, her thoughts flashed to one particular subject: Jade. Perrie might have been acting slightly overdramatic, but if these were her last moments, she wanted her final thoughts to be about her girlfriend. She was completely in love with Jade, and she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her because she hadn’t checked her phone all night. She felt terrible that her girlfriend hadn’t even crossed her mind once in the past couple of hours.

Perrie continued to think about Jade and her melodic laughter and gorgeous smile. She loved how Jade had this little dimple that came out on her cheek if she smiled big enough. She loved that when Jade wore glasses, she had this adorable way of pushing them back up on her nose. She loved all of Jade and her little quirks, like how she was so superstitious that she had to flush the toilet twice every time she went to the bathroom. But most of all, she thought about those beautiful brown eyes that could captivate her for hours.

Perrie had been thinking so intensely about those eyes that she was sure she could see them staring back at her right now. Perrie blinked a few times, but the eyes stayed there, looking at her with an intensity that she had never seen before, but at the same time, not really looking at her at all. Perrie knew this couldn’t be an effect of the alcohol she had previously drunk, so this could only mean one thing: Jade was the one who had entered her house.

Perrie let out a breath that she hadn’t realized she had been holding in. She was relieved that it had only been Jade, and not an intruder. Then she realized something had to be up, because Jade wasn’t due back for another three days.

As she looked at Jade, she felt her heart sink into her stomach. She hadn’t seen Jade like this in a long time. It had been almost six months since Jade had looked like this. Perrie could always tell Jade was drunk just by looking at her eyes. Right now, Jade’s eyes were bloodshot and they were focused on Perrie, but at the same time, it didn’t really seem as if Jade understood that they were so intensely focused on Perrie.

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