Part 6

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Jade didn’t even need to open her eyes this time to realize where she was. She was on Perrie’s couch again. Jade was slightly puzzled though, because she realized that underneath the blanket she felt somewhat bare. She felt her abdomen and realized she didn’t have a shirt on. Jade instantly started to freak out, because maybe she had finally been able to take things further with that beautiful blonde.

After Jade realized she didn’t have a shirt on, she realized that her bottom half was wet. Wet wasn’t really the right word, it was more like damp. The couch underneath her was wet as well, so Jade realized she must have slept in these wet sweats the whole night.

As Jade thought back to the previous night and why she was even dressed like this, memories started to come flooding back. This shocked Jade, because the previous two incidents with Perrie were not remembered when she had woken up.

All of the memories that came rushing back brought a wave of sadness with them. Jade remembered why she was even at Perrie’s in the first place. The girl with the afro. With Perrie. Together. Laughing. The weird feeling Jade felt pulling at her stomach when she saw the two of them together. Jade remembered telling her mum about how she felt, and when venting her feelings for ten minutes hadn’t been enough, Jade had slipped out of the house when her mum went to take a shower.

Jade had wandered to some random pub and gotten drunk. Not extremely drunk, but still pretty wasted. Then she remembered stumbling her way to Perrie’s. That’s when Jade remembered that it had been raining. That’s why her pants were wet. She still didn’t know why her shirt was off, but maybe that would come back to her later.

After that, Jade remembered taking Perrie for a walk. She didn’t remember where they had ended up, but suddenly Jade was filled with a happy sensation when she remembered that Perrie had told her that girl with the afro was simply her friend.

That’s all Jade seemed to be able to remember though, so she was still rather curious about her lack of a shirt. She glanced around her and saw the shirt she had been wearing last night tossed on the floor next to her. When she picked it up, it was slightly damp, so she decided to just leave it off.

Jade was surprised that her headache was only down to a dull throbbing and that she wasn’t too sensitive to light and sound. Usually when Jade woke up from a night of heavy drinking, the effects were a lot worse.

Jade decided to get up and investigate. She had only really ever been in Perrie’s kitchen and living room, so she wanted to see more. Maybe she’d find Perrie somewhere and ask her to fill in the rest of the blanks in her memory.

As Jade wandered around Perrie’s house, she saw a lot of pictures of what she guessed was family, but not a lot of friends. She did see a couple pictures of the girl with the afro, but both the girl and Perrie looked younger in the photos.

Jade also noticed that Perrie was rather neat. Not too much seemed to be out of place, and countertops and sinks were clean in the bathroom and kitchen. Soon enough, Jade figured she had wandered around most of the house, yet she still hadn’t found Perrie. Jade padded slowly down to the end of the hallway she was currently in. A door was shut, and she figured it was the door to Perrie’s bedroom.

Jade stood there for a few minutes considering whether she should walk in or not. Would Perrie find it as an invasion of privacy? Jade barely even knew Perrie all that well, so it might be weird. Plus, should Jade knock? What if she woke Perrie? After a couple minutes of inner debate, Jade slowly and silently pushed the door open enough so she could peek inside.

Once the door was open a little, the sound from inside of the room flowed through the new crack between the door and the frame, and it was music to Jade’s ears. Perrie was singing along to some song that was playing, and Perrie’s voice wasn’t half bad. Jade broke out into a smile even more when she realized that the song was hers.

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