Chapter 7

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-1 Week Later-

Third Person Pov:

"In other news, the mysterious girl is still at large, and she killed twice the amount of people, than last week, so please be safe, and the government is ordering everyone to open fire, if she attacks anyone. I'm Jessica Dominguez and this is the 3 o'clock news." Jessica said, while Evan turns off the TV, and Amanda's mom broke down crying.

"Why is she like this David?" She cried and David sat down next to her. The guys looked up at Evan, while he nods, and he stood in front of them.

"Does the name Robert Garcia mean anything to you?" Evan asked them and they both looked up at him.

"Amanda use to be with him, before she went missing, and we haven't heard from him either." Her mom said and he sighs, while sitting down next to her, and he held onto her hands.

"She didn't want you to know, but Robert was the one that took us, and did horrible things to her." He tells her and her eyes widen. "Also, he was the one that made us do it to her, because if we didn't. None of us would be here, and-" He gets cut off, by something flying threw the window, and everyone looks up.

"Oh Evan!" Dark calls out to him, while they all run out of the house, and when they looked up at her. Their eyes widen, because of what she's wearing(picture above), and has tentacle like arms coming out of her back. "It's not nice to stare boys." She tells them and then giggles.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked her with an attitude, and she chuckles.

"A deal." She tells them and they looked at her confused.

"What kind of deal?" Evan asked her, while she holds up an orb, and they're still confused.

"Evan!" Their eyes widen, because it's Amanda, and Dark laughs. "Please get me out of here!" Amanda begs, but Dark throws her to the floor, and Amanda screams in pain.

"Let her go!" Evan yells at Dark, while running towards her, but when she snaps her fingers. It sends him back towards the guys, and they caught him in mid air.

"I don't think so." She laughs, while picking up the orb, and kissed it. "The deal is, that one of you come with me, and I'll give her to you." She smirks and they looked up at her.

"Don't do it! It's- AH!" Amanda screams in pain, while Dark sticks her nail in the orb, and a small drop of blood comes out.

"Stop!" Tyler shouts and she looks up at him. "I'll go with you." He tells her and a sly smile grew across her face.

"T-Tyler. Please d-don't." Amanda stutters and he smiles a bit.

"It's okay." He tells her and tears begin to fall down her face. "Besides, I'm the one who did this to you, so let me do this, and I promise to set you free." He said, while walking towards Dark, and then she threw her towards the guys. Lui catches her, while holding her close to him, and Tyler turned towards them. "I'm sorry guys, but this is for her." He says, while Dark struck him in the back, and their eyes widen.

"Tyler!" They shout and he smiles slightly.

"NO!" Amanda shouts and more tears fell down her face.

"Protect her." He said, while his eyes turned pitch black, and Dark lets him go.

"Come one Tyler. We got work to do." She tells him and they both disappeared into the forest.

"Tyler." Amanda cried, while they head inside, and when her parents looks up at them.

"Where's Tyler?" Her mom asked and they looked down at the ground.

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