Chapter 2

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-Next Morning-

Amanda's Pov:

"Wake up Amanda." I faintly hear Alex's voice and then felt someone touch my hand. "They need you babe." He said and I instantly woke up, while sitting up from the bed, and tears are falling down from my face.

"Amanda?" I looked to my left and it's Evan.

"Where is he?" I asked him and he looks at me confused. "Where's Alex?!" I yelled at him and more tears fell down my face, but images of Alex popped inside of my head, and I realized that he sacrificed himself to save me. "Alex." I said softly and broke down crying.

"Who's Alex?" He asked me and I looked up at him. "Was he your friend?" He asked and I shook my head.

"He was my boyfriend." I tell him and then he hugs me. "I miss him so much." I cried in his arms and he held me tight.

"I'm sorry Amanda." He tells me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

Then the doors burst wide open, so we both looked up, and it's Tyler. Tears are falling down his face, while he looks straight at me, and then comes towards us. He then grabs me by my arm, while dragging me out of the room, and throws me on the floor.

"Don't you dare hurt her Tyler!" Evan tells him.

"Marcel's dead!" Tyler yells at me, while I looked up at Marcel, and instantly backed away from him, because there was blood coming out from his eyes, mouth, nose and ears. "Who's doing this to us?!" He asked me and picks me up from the floor. I looked into his eyes and he is pissed. "Who?!" He shouts, but something inside of me snapped, and I pushed him to the ground.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled at him, while tears begin to fall down my face, and I ran back into the medical room. Then out of nowhere, I get thrown out of the room, and hit myself against the main computer.

"Amanda!" Evan shouts and I slowly get up from the floor, but then I get thrown up at the ceiling, while hitting my head, and looked down at the guys.

"Who's doing this to her?" Delirious asked and then we hear a deep chuckle.

"I see that you boys are having fun?" Robert tells them and my vision starts getting red.

"Why are you doing this?!" Tyler yells at him and I slowly clenched my fists.

"To make sure that Amanda suffers." He laughs and I growled at him. "Oh, and I'm the one who killed your friends." He said and I lost it.

"AH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, while falling to the floor, and I landed hard on my stomach.

"Well, that's my cue to leave, so I hope you boys enjoy punishing her, and make sure she enjoys it too." He laughs and my vision went back to normal.

|Time Lapse|

"What are we going to do?" Delirious asked Evan, while I'm sitting down on the floor, and away from them.

"We can't refuse, because we'll end up dead." Craig said and he sighs. Then I hear someone walk towards me, so I looked up, and it's Evan.

"How do we get out of here?" He asked me, but before I could say anything.

"Will the remaining keys line up at the white line, and the key-whore stands in front of them." The bitch chuckled, so I get up from the floor, while the guys lined up at the line, and I stood a few inches away from them. "Choose the next key to go in the room with you." She said and my eyes went straight to Tyler.

"Tyler." I said and he looks up at me. The door opens up, while I turn towards the door, and he stood next to me.

"Why me?" He asked, while we both went in the room, and the door closed behind us.

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