» Ep. 37 «

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» fully aware the other chapter was short, despite it being over 1200 words. It's because I rushed it so I can get an update for you all. Please Don't hate TnT.

» by the way, guys, if you're reading this and you've read the latest chapters, don't spoil for people who haven't read yet, because like some people, I haven't been up to date because it's tedious having to go back and forth when I'm reading and when I want to see what chapter I have to do next to continue the story. So just don't spoil for others, okay?

» I'm aware that I changed the cover a bit. I didn't want to use a completely different picture since you guys have stated that you liked the old one so I decided to remake the original. Hopefully you guys like this one and if you don't, I'll change it back.

Then again, no one probably even noticed.


Day of the festival had arrived. Here you were, in your short bought kimono with your earrings, rings, bracelet and necklace matched with Zoe and the others. Your hair, a bit wavy with a side braided crown.

Search it up. Works with any length technically. [•]

You checked the time and decided to head their a bit early then what was scheduled as you walked towards the location the festival was being taken place at.

You thought about your recent life at J-High and let out a soft sigh. "It's been crazy.." you told yourself, looking up at the sky a bit.

You about your first arrival at South Korea, how you never wanted to come in the first place, but now, you never want to leave, especially with all the friends you made while you were here.

You remembered when Zack first hated you, or when Daniel was shy, and even when Vasco was crying. You smiled at the thought about how much time has passed and all that happened, finding it cute and adorable.

Letting out a slight chuckle slip past your mouth, still standing by the entrance as you thought.

"What are you giggling about?"

Turning around, you see all of your friends behind you. You smiled and shook your head. "It's nothing."

Each of them besides the girls and Jay looked at you up and down and widened their eyes. "What the hell are you wearing?!" Minhyoung and Zack shouted, their cheeks pink.

"Why are you so loud?" Jace asked as he and Vasco walked by but stopped in their tracks when they saw you in the Yukata. "Um, a teen girl shouldn't be wearing that.." Jace muttered, staring at the shortness.

They were all in their outfits so they didn't have anything to cover for you, but Jay luckily, had brought a jacket for you since he's seen it already.

Yui then smiled. "It's cute, isn't it? Don't wear the jacket, Y/n! You need to stay like that and be pretty!"

You sighed at her and gave an appreciative smile to Jay. "Thank you, but I'm fine." You spoke softly and turned to the others. "And I'm only wearing this because the girls bought it." You then noticed they were all together and smiled. "Come on, lets all go look around and see what things we can do."

Daniel quickly snapped himself out of trance and smiled, nodding as he walked over and grabbed your hand. "What do you want to do first?"

Vasco walked on the other side of you and gave a shy smile. "Um, do you want to get a drink first?.."

Zack shoves Daniel away and put an arm around you with a grin. "Y/n, lets do a test of strength game. Or maybe some dart throwing games."

Mira moves Vasco out and hummed softly. "Y/n, why don't we go see what items there are so we can have a memory of this together."

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