Death's Heart

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It'd been a couple of days since the incident, and Naruto hadn't left his room. He wasn't eating, barely drank, and didn't move much from his bed. He tried to sleep, but just couldn't, he couldn't get the image of those bloodied faces, screaming at him to spare them, that plagued his dreams. So he spent most of this time, reminiscing about his happy memories with Jiraiya, and imagining what he'd to to this 'Nagato' character that killed him. Naruto didn't really understand the feeling of bloodlust that was getting stronger with each day, but knew that when he caught the man who killed Jiraiya, he wanted twist their arms until they broke, slowly cut the muscles of their legs out and tie them into anklets and necklaces, rip their toenails and drill holes into their palms, pull teeth and stuff them into every hole he could find. His fingers twitched at the idea of filling their lungs with cement and cutting their tongue into fun shapes, all the while using their blood to paint his apartment walls a beautiful shade of scarlet.

He'd start getting giddy at those thoughts, and a lot of the time became inches away from leaving his home to go and do those things to the people on the streets. When that happened, he'd put a hole or two in the wall, maybe throw a plate and some silverware, but that feeling only subsided slightly. He wanted to hurt someone, and the yearning to do so stayed stuck at the base of his solar plexus.

Five days of insomnia, and Naruto finally slept. When he awoke inside a dream, he recognized the same place he'd visited five nights prior. The glowstone glued to walls made of black ink spilled on paper. A floating feeling, like sleepwalking, and the angel in white, known as Abbadon, standing alone, just a couple of feet in front of him. It was mixing a pot of what looked like stew, so Naruto inched closer to talk, seeing as it didn't have the men and woman he killed earlier next to him, begging for a second chance at life.

The angel looked up and smiled.

"Come here again? Have we? You seem quite desperate to talk to me." Naruto shook his head.

"I don't want to come here. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know who you are." Abbadon set down the spoon it used for mixing the stew.

"I will not answer these questions. But I will answer the ones that will help you."

"I- I don't understand."

"You don't need to. I will do the questioning for now. Treat me as a diary, that can talk back." It scooped up some broth and meat into an bowl, and handed it to Naruto, who refused, though his stomach protested.

"Eat. Just because you feel emotional it doesn't mean you should starve yourself."

"What good will it do? This is a dream." Naruto stretched his mouth into frown of sorts.

"Alright then. Believe what you will," It set down the bowl and laced it's clawed-fingers together. It stared inquisitively at Naruto, unmoving, and silent. The ninja shifted uncomfortably.

"You're not over Jiraiya's death. I can't blame you though. It was too recent to brush under the bed."

"You wouldn't understand." The angel shifted uncomfortably.

"That's not something you should assume so easily." It grit it's black teeth.

"What? An angel like you has gone through what I've gone through? I've killed! Seen death many times over! I'm slowly losing myself to an urge that nobody but me unwillingly has! And I'm pretty damn sure that I have multiple mental issues and disorders! Now tell me what have you possibly been through that's worse than m-" It shot from its place, and wrapped its bony, freezing fingers around Naruto's thin throat, it's leathery skin somehow grasping the black dust that was making his body up in the dream. It pressed deeper, and dug it's nails in. It gave a low growl as it shoved it's face into Naruto's.

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