Death's Kiss

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Naruto, after falling back asleep from when he woke up due to his weird dream, was awoken again with a pounding on his door.  Before he could even get up to answer, Tsunade broke the hinges off and entered the apartment without question. Naruto quickly sat up, carefully swinging his wings off the bed.

"What the hell!! This is breaking and entering ya' know!!" Tsunade simply pulled out a chair and sat at his coffee table, shoving a donut into her mouth.

"Shut up an listen," She said, her voiced muffled by chewing.

"you don't have to tell everyone. I have an idea." Naruto perked up in curiousness.

"Well? What is it?"  Tsunade pulled out a small piece of paper with characters scrawled onto it in wet ink.  She bit her thumb, and the smallest bit of blood popped from the bite. She dropped it onto the paper, and they both watched as smoke started to seep from the old parchment. Tsunade quickly placed it on the ground. In a split second, a large, green, Naruto-sized traveling bag  with dozens of pockets and zippers appeared on the floor, complete with a zipper and a neatly stitched hole on the back.

Naruto rested his head in his hands and sighed.

"What's all this for?" He said blatantly. Tsunade stood slowly, and unzipped the zipper trailing down the back of the bag.

"See? You can fit your wings in here easily, and when you zip it back up, there's a hole so it doesn't look awkward. It works right?" Tsunade said with a wobbly, but hopeful smile.  Naruto shook his head again.

"You want me to be one of those ninjas?" Tsunade nodded her head excitedly. Then shoved Naruto off his bed.

"Try it on! Try it on!" She spoke happily, as she carefully pushed him towards the bag. Naruto doing his best to resist.

"No- c'mon this is stupid!! It doesn't even seem like it'll fit!" He yelled, pushing against her, but in the end gave up and began to slip it on.

He deftly pulled down the zipper that was placed right before the hole and ended at the very bottom of the bag. Squatting down a bit, he squeezed his wings in, cringing from the pain. Pulling the straps onto his shoulders then quickly standing up, Tsunade helped him re-zip it. He felt like this was a makeshift effort, and that they could do better, but he couldn't complain at the moment. The bottoms of his wings curled at the bottom of the pack, giving him a shooting soreness all along his back, but he ignored it in hopes of it going away.

Naruto wondered how he'd get away with it. Going on missions without taking the bag off, letting his wings be cramped in it. He still considered the idea of telling everyone, but put that to rest. He needed as little people to know as little as possible. He couldn't allow loose ends or unwanted questions. He was different now. Inhuman, a warrior of death. He had to start acting like it, and stop being so clueless. He started to steel his nerves more from that point on, giving less emotion, and becoming more like a god.

Naruto waved Tsunade off on the road as he headed towards the woods in broad daylight, not afraid of being discovered anymore.

* * *

Naruto continued to practice flying, but was having issues without Death there to guide him. He kept trying to land, and kept falling every single attempt. He was getting more and more frustrated by the minute, and it was nearing lunch, so he sparked a campfire, plopped down on the grassy ground, and began to roast a pack of hot dogs he kept in one of his backpack pockets.

Rogue souls. Naruto wondered what that could mean. How would he even deal with a soul when he's not in the Underworld? Again, he had so many questions to ask Death, but was content with being clueless. He always learned better when he was forced into things without knowing what to do. But, what did this mean for him? Did he really want to become Hokage now that his path in life took a sharp left turn? He could become like an Anbu soldier. Killing in secret and disposing every trace of it ever happening. No. Naruto didn't think it fit him to work with other Anbu. Plus, all personal information is given to the tyrannical leader Danzo Shimura. Maybe Naruto himself could be rogue, like an assassin, doing his job in secrecy, becoming a raven hidden by the night cover. Maybe it could wo-

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