Chapter 1

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Disclaimer - I don't own Young Justice ( If I did, then there wouldn't have been a stupid time skip) or any of the characters in it.

This takes place in early season one before Zatanna joined the team, but after Artemis joined.

Also, Wally doesn't know Robin's identity in this. Sorry about that. I couldn't figure out how to make it work with the plot.

Robin waited as Wally stared intensely at the board.  "KF, you do know it's your turn, right?"

"I know," Wally growled, studying the chess board, "I'm trying to figure out your strategy before it's too late."

Robin laughed, "We both know that's probably not going to happen."

Finally, Wally reached down to the chess board and moved one of his pieces forwards. He waited intently to see what Robin would do.

Dick leaned forwards with a smirk on his face and moved one of his pawns, "Checkmate."

"What?!?!? How?!?!?" Wally yelled, "How are you so good at this?" Wally noticed his mistake too late, "Wait! No! I didn-

"I, Robin," Dick stood up triumphantly on his chair and puffed out his chest, "The Boy Wonder, protector of Gotham, was trained by the world's greatest detective." He sat back down and looked Wally in the eye, "That is why I'm so good at chess."

"Whatever," Wally scoffed, "I get a rematch though."

Kid Flash sped away to the kitchen before Robin could respond and grabbed one of the cookies that Megan had baked earlier. He held it up and was about to take a bite out of it when Batman walked into the cave.

Recognized: Batman 02

There was a flash of light and Batman was standing in the mountain.

"Team, gather around. I have a mission for you."


A few minutes later, the team had assembled around Batman in the training room.

"A few days ago," Batman began, "The League discovered that Joker had been communicating with someone outside of Arkham. We attempted to intercept these communications, but only managed to retrieve one message.  After Joker found out that we knew what he was doing, he obviously stopped sending letters.  We've tried questioning him, but he won't give us any useful information."

"What did the message you intercepted say?" Aqualad asked.

Batman gave a quick glance at Robin. "All that the letter said was 'Gotham Academy'."

Robin tensed slightly and his eyes widened a fraction, but nobody except for Batman noticed. Gotham Academy was where Robin went to school as a civilian and Batman didn't want the team to know Robin's identity. He decided to remain quiet and get more information about the mission before confronting Batman.

"The league suspects that Joker is planning to use the school as part of his  new evil plan, but we don't know how," Batman told told the team, avoiding looking at Robin, "We need the you to go undercover as students, find out Joker's plan, and, if necessary, protect the school from Joker and whoever is working with him."

Wally grabbed a handful of chips from the bag he was currently gorging himself with, "I thought we were a covert team. Why do you suddenly want us to go out into the open?"

"Good question, Kid Flash," Batman acknowledged, eyeing the chips with disgust, "The Justice League assigned you to this mission because we feared we wouldn't be able to blend in very well in the school surroundings. Most of you have very recent experience with school, so you know how to act like a schoolkid. No offence, but the Justice League is more well known and would probably be recognized if we went undercover as teachers."

Kid Flash nodded and tapped his greasy finger on his temple, "Makes sense."

"Batman, a word?" Robin finally requested.

As the team gave them confused looks, Batman and Robin walked out of the training room and went into a small room out of earshot of everyone, including Superboy.


"Robin, I know you're mad, but don't worry." Batman said, "I know how to keep your identity a secret while the rest of the team is on this mission."

"What do you mean 'the rest of the team'? Where am I going to be?" Robin raged.

"At school." Batman responded.

"Ok. Let me rephrase that. I can't be Robin and Dick Grayson at the same time, so who am I going to be while I'm at school?" Robin questioned.

"We'll tell the team that you're on a top secret mission for me, because in a way you will be. You will be conducting your own investigation at Gotham Academy as Dick Grayson," Batman elaborated, "That way you can go to school without the risk of exposing your identity to the team."


How was it? Let me know what you thought and if you want more. If you comment and/or vote it would make my day!

NJB out!

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