Kinky Mornings And Blushing Cheeks

Start from the beginning

Alex laughed having no intention of moving when she felt so right against (Y/n)'s wet skin. "I love you," she whispered into her ear. 

(Y/n) felt the familiar warmth in her heart whenever she heard those words from Alex, the familiar exhilaration of knowing that what they shared wasn't just physical, it was deeper, and Alex really liked to hug after sex it had been a new experience not to want to throw her out after they had first made love, she'd never been a after sex contact person unless that contact was more sex, but with Alex everything was just so right and perfect. 

A sudden thought jumped into her mind. "Err Alex." ( Y/n) whispered.

"What is it, baby?" Placing another sweet kiss to (Y/n)'s forehead. 

" I really hope we weren't too loud and your Mom heard us. "

Alex's eyes sprang open wide with terror. "Crap, I forgot about her."


Alex lowered her head finding a slight scratch on the surface of the table very interesting as her mother busied herself getting breakfast ready, (Y/n) had found it necessary to spend longer in the bathroom than she had to do and Alex was beginning to fear she had flown out of the window and was right then heading back to National City so they wouldn't have to face Eliza, just in case she had heard them. 

Alex felt her cheeks redden at the thought, why hadn't she been more careful? Now she was stuck with the embarrassment, and every so often her mother would lift amused eyes to watch her, that was getting unnerving. 

She heard her mother chuckle softly. How can she laugh, she is the one cheating on my father, I just was loving my future wife, who I won't be exchanging for a newer model, no matter what. 

Alex pouted she'd been abandoned by her aforementioned future wife and her mother was seeing another man, she needed to talk to Kara about that, (Y/n) wouldn't understand but when Kara arrived they would be doing some investigating. When I find out who it is, he's going to wish he'd never set eyes on Eliza Danvers. She let out a wicked laugh that caught her mother's attention. 

"What's so funny?" Eliza asked putting the coffee in the center of the table, Alex shifted it away from the chair she wanted (Y/n) to sit in, that would turn her stomach she hated the stuff. 


Eliza studied her daughter carefully, narrowing her eyes suspiciously she knew that look, she knew when she was up to something when she was plotting. "Hmm, if you say so, just know Alexandra Danvers I know you and I know when you are plotting."

Alex gasped with mock outrage. "How dare you I am not up to anything, I'm just waiting for my breakfast."

"If you say so, where is (Y/n)?"



Tell me about it. "Yes, she is flossing or something."

Eliza's blue eyes twinkled as she sat down opposite her daughter, amused that she was so sensitive about such things, yes it hadn't been the greatest thing in the world to hear, her daughter having sex but she was happy and that was what made Eliza happy.

"So any wedding preparations happening yet? I could come and help you know, I hope you are going to invite me to do that and not leave me out as you usually do." Like you did with your last fiance. 

The accusation was silent but Alex heard it loud and clear, but (Y/n) was very different from Maggie, (Y/n) would have insisted Eliza be part of things, even without being asked, Alex suddenly liked the idea because it got her mother away from whatever guy she was seeing, Unless she brings him to meet us, oh hell no I am not putting a plus one on her invitation!

"(Y/n) would be very upset if you didn't." Alex smiled pouring the hot dark liquid into a cup and taking a sip. 

Eliza returned her smile warmly. "Good, I'm glad, Alex I don't think I've told you this and you know I liked Maggie, but (Y/n) she's well, to be frank, she is definitely the most wonderful choice for you, I'm so glad things worked out and you are here today, months away from your wedding I don't think I've ever seen you look so happy." 

Alex blushed a little. "Thanks, Mom, I feel very happy." I met our daughter, she is amazing, she is wonderful, I'm going to be a Mom, (Y/n) and I are going to be parents, and everything in life is perfect because I have the woman I love and she loves me. 

"And Alex, don't worry I was young once too you know, and I haven't hung up my old grannie boots yet you know, you can quite the blushing." Eliza laughed. 

Alex frowned, What the hell does that mean?

(Thank you @Kali_Story for the Alex gif ❤❤❤)

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