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"Well it's a shame to get this dress ruined, but if it means saving lives i'm willing to do it" Y/n said. Before I could say anything, she used the wind to lift herself up.  


Peters pov 

"Where are you going" I yelled from below. 

"We have to catch Liz's dad before he leaves, Wendy has already caught on to a suspicious car heading to an abandoned building" She said. I nodded my head. 

"Right" I said following her. She flew off and I followed behind. 

"We're not gonna make it in time" She said. 

"I got an idea" I started to swing towards to school, and I saw Flash pulling in. I jumped on the hood of the car. 

"Flash I need your car and your phone" I said in a deep voice. 

"Uh sir tech-technically this is my dads car, so I-" He was saying but Y/n cut him off. 

"Shut up and get out..we're trying to save some lives right now, so move on out" She said. He quickly got out with his date and gave me his phone, I got in the drivers seat, and hit the gas. 

"How do you do that" I said. Y/n laughed. 

"Charm is a very strong power" 

We got on the road, and I was horrible at driving. I tried dodging the sidewalks, and tried to stay in the correct lane. 

"Have you ever drove a car before" Y/n said. Under my mask I gave her a lopsided smile. 

"I have a permit, but never actually drove. But I have drove in parking lots with May" I said. She picked up Flash's phone and dialed Ned's phone number. 

"Ned I need you to track Peters phone" She said, putting him on speaker. 

"So cool that you stole Flash's car" Ned said. 

"Haha I know right" I said. 

"Peter the bus!" Y/n yelled right as I almost hit a charter bus. I shakily went around it.   

"Have you got to Happy yet" Y/n said. 

"Yeah, almost got it" Ned said through the phone.  "Welp he hung up" 

"Forget it. Ned, where is Peter's phone now" Y/n said. 

"uhh he stopped at an old industrial park in Brooklyn" Ned said.   

"Oh yeah when I called Happy, it sounded like he was catching a flight, and he had a bunch of boxes around him" Ned said. I looked over at Y/n. 

"Today is the big move, right?" I shouted over the wind. Y/n put a palm up to her head. 

"Crap, I totally forgot, but that means the Vulture is planning to interfere" Y/n said. I pressed on the gas harder. 

"Okay you're getting close, turn right" Ned said, but I was going so fast that I missed the turn. Y/n shot out a vine and pulled us to the turn. The car went sideways on Y/n's side. I quickly grabbed her waist and held her next to me to make sure she didn't get hurt. The car stopped and went back up right. I was still holding Y/n by the waist, and we were both breathing really hard. Y/n turned towards me, her hair was a bit messy, and her makeup up was a bit messed up, but she still looked beautiful. We stared at each other for a minute until Ned broke the silence. 

"Are you guys okay" He said. That brought us out of our trance. 

"Yeah, but we're going to have to go on foot from here" Y/n said getting out of the damaged car. I started running to the building while she flew next to me. When we made it to the abandoned building, I swung up to the roof and found a hatch we could enter  through. 

"Look I know there has been many complications with us bu-" I started saying but Y/n cut me off. 

"Shut up spiderboy" She said grabbing my jacket, she pulled me close and slowly lifted up my mask. I leaned in, and she did the same. Soon out lips were locked together. My hands found there way to her waist, and hers were around my neck. We pulled away, and I was glad my cheeks were covered, because I knew they were red.  

"New challenge, Lets try not to die tonight" she said while going down the hatch.   

So sorry if it seems like i'm rushing things, its just I have so much on my plate right now. Also Homecoming is coming up for me, and i'm so excited, plus my boyfriend gave me a Miles Morales pop funko and I couldn't be happier.

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