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"Peter!" I yelled and went after him.
Your pov

I caught up to Peter and a person in a mechanical suit that looked like a vulture. I saw Peter struggling and made vines grow on the Vultures wings, but then Peter fell and a parachute came out but it wasn't helping.

Peter was falling fast and I quickly caught up. I reached my hand out to him and he tried grabbing it but his hand slipped out of mine and he fell into the lake. I quickly used my powers to summon a wave. The wave pulled Peter up to the surface and I was going to pick him up, but then Iron Man came, and quickly pulled him out. I froze and followed him. Tony is on vacation, so he probably called on his suit to help.

"Sit" Tony said. Peter and I sat down on a park thing.

"What the hell happened to you two" Tony said.

"Okay so this vulture guy just swooped down and he picked me up, and took me up a 1000 feet and then just dropped me" Peter said explaining the incident. I stood there looking at the ground as Peter kept on talking.

"Wait how did you find us. Did you put a tracker in my suit?" Peter asked. They exchanged more words. Then I heard Tony say my name.

"Y/n, I told you to stay away from these weapons" Tony said. I stood there ashamed and didn't say anything.

"Mr.Stark you didn't have to come all the way out here, we were fine" Peter said trying to save me.

"Oh I'm not here" Tony said the mask on his suit came up to reveal nothing "thank God this place has Wifi, but forget this flying vulture guy" Tony said.

"Why!" Peter and I said at the same time.

"Because I said so!" Tony yelled. "So stay close to the ground and help out the little people, and y/n no more going out at night with the suit"

"You can't do this" I said.

"Uh yeah I can. For now on your tracker will be activated. I don't need you getting hurt" Tony replied. I sighed.

"Oh and Peter it's never too late to start thinking about college" he said. Peter started arguing but Tony logged off and the suit left.

"Tracker is now activated" Wendy said. I furiously kicked a rock. 

"This is all my fault" Peter said walking towards me. At first I was mad at him, but it went away when he looked at me.

"It's okay. Tony can be dramatic sometimes" I said looking down at the ground.

"Hey let's walk back" Peter said putting his arm over my shoulder. I nodded and we walked like that until I saw something glowing in the grass.

"Hey Peter" I said pointing to the glowing thing. We got close to it and I turned it around. There was this weird purple crystal. Peter ringtone for Ned went off and he answered it.

"Hey Ned we're on out way back" Peter said. I didn't hear what Ned said but then I heard Penis Parker. Peter said bye to Ned and hung up.

"Should we take it" I asked. He picked it up and nodded his head.

"I know that Mr.Stark said not to play with them, but we need to figure this out" he said. We walked back to the ledge with our clothes. I took off my mask and pulled my pants on along with my shirt.

"See you at school tomorrow" Peter said struggling to out on his shirt. I smiled at him.

"Hey wanna come home with me do we can check this thing out, the party ends at 11 and it's only 9" I said.

"Aren't you guys moving?" Peter asked. I shrugged.

"Well we've already moved to the new building, they're just packing all the little things Tony has in the other tower" I said.

"Uh then sure" Peter said.

Time skip to the new building

"Woah this place is amazing" Peter said when we arrived.

"Yeah I know, just don't tell Tony I spoiled the building for you" I said. We walked to the front door and I opened it with my hand print. I quietly turned the handel. We walked inside, all the lights were turned off.

"Friday lights please" I said in a low wishper. The lights turned on. I yelped as I saw Vision floating.

"Vision what are you doing with the lights off in the middle of the night" I said.

"Uh correction what are you doing with a boy in the middle of the night" he said. I looked over towards Peter his eyes were wide.

"Don't tell Tony, and this is Peter you know Spider-Man" I said. Vision squinted his eyes at us.

"Hmm yes I do remember him" He said.

"Hi" Peter squeaked.

"What's he doing here though" Vision said.

"We're going to go talk about work and crime fighting the usual" I said walking away towards the elevator Peter following behind.

"Fine, but I'm telling Mr.Stark" He said.

"If you do I'll tell Wanda something about you" I said getting in the elevator. I heard Vision sigh and I knew I won.

"Don't worry about him" I told Peter as the elevator went up. We got to the floor and I walked him over to my room.

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