Part 29: reveal

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The three of them sat at a table next to the food truck, the girl eating nachos while the boy stayed abnormally quiet.

He hated himself; he wished he had never arranged for this.

His friend was talking, casually, loosely, about the school the boy and he went to.  The girl leaned forward, hanging onto the words she could never gouge from the boy himself.

How long have you known each other? The girl asked.

The friend shrugged, leaned back in his seat Forever, really.  We've lived on the same block since we were babies.

The girl found this intriguing, but the boy was sweating.

It's hot, isn't it? The boy remarked.  We should go inside.  There's a mall somewhere.  Let's go. 

He tried to grab the girl's arm but she jerked away, glaring at him.

Come on, mate. Don't ruin the fun. Why didn't you introduce us earlier? I like your girlfriend. She's cute.

There was a shuddering thump as the boy slammed his fist onto the table. The girl started. His eyes were pits.

Shut up. Don't talk about her like that.

The friend raised his hands, apologising and saying he didn't mean anything by it. But the boy looked into his eyes and he knew otherwise.

The girl touched the boy's arm Calm down. I'm okay.  He's fine.

That's when the friend said something that started everything.

You look like you could use a smoke he reached into his back pocket and tossed a packet onto the table.  The girl's eyes landed on the packet and something happened behind them.

The boy went rigid I don't smoke.

The friend threw the boy a confused look, because that was the stupidest thing he could have said in that moment. They started smoking together at f*cking fourteen.

The friend said Come on—you need it. I see your face.

The boy did need it.  But he wasn't going to give in.  Smoking was just the beginning, and if the girl was learning about that it wouldn't be long until she learned about everything else too.

A soft hand touched his shoulder. The girl. She watched him with eyes just as soft.

It's okay if you need it she said Go ahead.

He snapped No, I'm fine.

The friend cursed colourfully Just take one already! I'm anxious just looking at you.

The boy really, really hated himself. He grabbed the packet on the table and ripped it open, moving quickly and quietly to light one up, like maybe if the girl couldn't hear him she wouldn't notice. She wouldn't see him draw the cancerous thing to his lips and exhale with a relaxed breath that he couldn't help.

You want one? The friend flicked the packet across the table towards her. She eyed it like it wasn't of this earth.

She's fine the boy answered for her, to make it easier.  The friend picked up the packet, pulling one out for himself and lighting it up.

The girl sat there and the boy saw the awkward on her face that was almost sadness, as she was caught amongst a sail of gray smoke around her.

It was exactly as he had feared.

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