Chapter 14: Sneaky Snacks and Regret

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Danny's Pov ((gotta love playing with the big boy))

It's been a few hours I believe and falling asleep is miserably hard at this point. And I'm lacking a certain ghost boy by my side that is at the moment keeping guard around. I won't blame him for being so tensed up, from what we were informed today- really, I won't blame him. If anything I do in fact feel slightly safer but.. leaves me alone for a bit and worrisome.

I sit up from the bed, rubbing my eyes. I scan the room around- everything just so fancy, not really my style at all; messy is. I mean what can I say? Just a teenager on a high overdriven hormone factor.
I get up on my feet slowly, really feeling the pressure on them. Getting heavy I am. But not a pig! Stupid Vlad...

Cracking the door open slightly, basically it was on the look out for anything suspicious so I could get out on a green light. And it was, and I felt this slight sense of joy as I tip toed carefully out the room.

I need to satisfy my sweet tooth stat, if not I will not be a happy Danny.
It's so weird to go from eating very little to even eating the school food like a maniac. And that is just- impossible for someone normal to actually eat school food. It's worst then prison food I swear.

Finding my way to the kitchen and careful with the squeaky floorboards, I can call it successful but I was just fifty percent done with my sneaky mission. And into the fridge I goo.
Ugh greens, greens and more greens. Is this man a vegan or just loves his veggies? I would eat them, but my main objective is sweets, and sweets I will find! Moving a few items around I have found it.

I pull it out slowly and open the container, from the smell of it, I'm guessing it's a rum cake- which won't hurt if I snatch a piece right? Unless it's heavy on the alcohol, but I highly doubt it cause from what I know about Vlad is that he's more of a tea and hot coco person.

I go looking for a plate and fork cause I'm about to pitchfork the fudge out of this cake. And lucky for me I didn't have to cause a commotion grabbing a pair. Setting it down and cutting out a decent piece out for me, it makes me giddy inside with a smile dancing on my lips with joy. Mission at seventy-five percent.

Taking my first bite out the cake, I soon fell in love with such a sweet taste. I sorta accidentally let out a chuckle just thinking of how funny the silly thought of me cheating on Phantom with a rum cake was ridiculously hilarious. Of course it won't happen, cause I wouldn't contain myself to not eating it.
Soon one bite became two, three, four and more till the piece was nearly gone.

"Should you really be eating that?"

And my blood goes cold. I slowly turn my head to come face to face with the man leaning on the doorframe.

Is all I can say, I don't have Phantom here and self-dense isn't in my dictionary without him. I gulp and look down at the almost nonexistent piece I was enjoying. I mean, it wasn't going to hurt me, even I know this. It's not pure alcohol.
I hear his footsteps come close and I flinch. This really has my heart pumping for some reason. I guess I'm just feeling hopeless without Phantom, in which I really am, and that's why I tremble now.

His sets the lid back on the cake container, swiping it off the counter and back to the fridge. Goodbye rummy cake, you were good while it lasted. I shifted rather uncomfortably in my spot, afraid to move for some reason. But it's something in my gut telling me to not move.

"I-It was only one piece..."

"And? You should worry of what you eat not what you want to eat."

I keep shut, biting my lower lip out nervously. I shouldn't say anything cause I have nothing to argue with it either, cause I know he's right now that I think of everything I eat.

I jolt and it seems like he's breathing down my neck. Eyes on me like if I was his prey. It's got me absolutely terrified, and I cannot just panic and cry out for Phantom while he's basically lunged on me now.

"R-Right sorry... I should know b-better..."

My vision started getting blurry as I harshly swallow down a sob. Can't look weak like this in front of him. I beat him countless of times, and to look weak now, I must be a joke to him now if I wasn't before.
And this unsettling silence only making it worst. It's so bad I really want to vomit on the spot..
"I-I should h-head back to b-bed.."

I shift my heels and start to walk towards the door, praying, just praying.

"Hold on Daniel."

Oh no, it just wasn't enough.
He takes a hold of my arm before I could escape.
I turn back, finally looking at him with wide teary eyes.

"P-Please don't- don't t-touch m-me.."

I tried to shake him off, but his grip wasn't budging. And it shook me to my core when it only tightened. I didn't want this at all, I just wanted to eat something that's it, why did it have to get so complicated all of a sudden. I'm having such an emotional ride within myself that I have no idea how to interpret what I'm feeling outside. I think is look terrified or on the verge of pouring all my tears out in front of Vlad out of all people.

Sudden everything is crumbling and I just feel fresh tears falling down my cheeks and I just get the need to sniffle.
I look him in the eye but he stares me down to my soul and it makes it worst.
He wouldn't say anything and just stare me down till he's seen everything in me. The eyes of a ghost I once would always beat, stares me down beating me an in instant. I really am just weak- normal.

Then out of nowhere he pulls me closer and takes a good sniff out of me. Then closer he came and dragged his tongue along my neck out of the blue and then pulled away.

My knees buckle under me unable to keep me up as I a slowly slip to my knees.
Regret is a strong feeling, and it's what I am feeling for ever coming to this fucking kitchen.

I feel his grip lighten up and I am quick to rush up to my feet and bust my ass out of there with some force. I find my way back to the room and shut the door close with the lock. It won't do much if he goes ghost and slithers on in but human wise, it'll keep him out.

I lean against the door and slowly slide down to the floor.
It started with one but then more sobs finally escape me, ripping through my throat. My hand harshly trying to wipe off his saliva off me.
I couldn't find myself to stop crying cause it was too scary and horrible.
I crawl to the edge of the bed and used the bed to get up and lay down curled up I continued crying.
Never again.

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