Bonus 3: What A Surprise

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Waking up in the mornings with Izuku by your side was pure joy. It had been for the last year you had been married. The first few weeks, you'd wake up earlier than him and just watch him sleep for a while. It made you smile, knowing the two of you were going to be together for the rest of your lives. You'd known each other over 20 years now, and you couldn't believe how lucky you got with falling in love with someone so sweet and caring. Someone who loved you as much as Izuku did, and you loved him the same.

You had been waking up earlier than normal the last few days, but it let you get ready for work while Izuku slept and rested, which you knew he needed after all the hero work he'd been doing the last few weeks. He had been so tired when he got home that after dinner, you'd be trying to watch TV or read a book together, and he'd fall asleep leaning against you. It made you smile a bit, but you also were worried about how tired he was each day.

I hope he's not overworking himself...he really doesn't need to.

By the time you'd finished getting ready, Izuku was awake as well, and had come up behind you to give you a tight hug, which made you giggle a bit when he hid his face in your shoulder.

"Do you have to go to work today...?"

Honestly, you wished you could say no and just stay home with Izuku. He didn't have days off very often lately, but when he did, you always tried to coordinate accordingly so you two could spend the time together. You missed being able to do that like when you were younger, but growing up and having jobs, him being a hero, caused you to have to postpone a lot of things because of work. It really sucked, you couldn't deny that, but you were trying to get ready for the future, for when you had children.

"Yeah...I kind of do. We've got a big project we're working on, Hatsume and I, you know."

"Yeah, I know..."

"Oh, but I will be home early today! I'm only going in for half the day and then to a doctor's appointment. Do you want me to pick up something for dinner?"

Izuku nods a bit, loosening his hold on you so you can turn around and give him a smile, which he returns.

"Want me to get the usual sushi platter we always have on our days off?"

"Of course, (Y/N)."

"Hey," you smiled and gave Izuku a kiss, before continuing, "sorry I couldn't be off all day. But...this project is really, really important."

"No, don't worry about it! I understand, I'm just still tired. I'll see you later this afternoon, yeah?"

"Of course, Izuku~!"


You were very late getting home, it was starting to worry Izuku a bit. When you said you'd be home early, he expected you to come around, maybe, two or three that afternoon.

Now it was getting close to five and he was growing more and more concerned with each text that was ignored, each call that went to voicemail. He kept telling himself that maybe you got stuck in traffic, or maybe you got stuck at work for a bit longer than intended and had to skip your doctor's appointment, but why hadn't you called or responded to his texts? It wasn't like you to ignore him. He'd texted Ochako to see if she had heard from you, which she hadn't. Izuku tried Mina and Katsuki too, but neither of them had heard anything, leaving him even more confused.

"Maybe she really did just get stuck at work, that would make sense right. Her project has been taking all their time, she's got to be busy! I hope she's not overusing her Quirk, she's gotta make sure she rests, she doesn't need to be doing too much. I hope she's taking breaks. Maybe her doctor's appointment ran long? Or maybe it got canceled or pushed to a later time, that's possible..."

Izuku stopped his mumbling the second he heard the door to your home open, smiling when he finally saw you walking in with the groceries you had picked up (that hadn't even crossed his mind! Dinner and a few essentials, of course you would pick those up!).

"Hey, (Y/N)! Welcome home!"

"Oh, hey. Thanks, Izuku."

Your somewhat lackluster response made Izuku confused again. Normally you'd be just as excited to see him as he was to see you, but right now? You just looked tired and lost in thought. Maybe you really had overworked yourself that day, probably from trying to get as much done as you could before you had to leave for your appointment. That made sense, yeah!

"Are you ok? You look really tired..."

You sighed a bit, nodding while you set the plastic grocery bags on the counter in the kitchen, starting to put away the cold items you had bought.

"Yeah...Hatsume and I got a bit too into it while working on our project, I overused my Quirk a little, then I left late and my doctor's, that ran a bit long..."

"Why?" hearing you say that made his eyebrows furrow in worry, hoping there wasn't anything wrong with you. "Is everything ok? You're not sick, are you?"

"Well...not exactly..."

Your vague answer is weird. You'd been having monthly check-up appointments just to ensure everything was well and fine, especially with how much you used your Quirk at work and everything. Every time though, you'd come back with a perfect bill of health, nothing wrong to be found.

"Hey," Izuku gave you a tight hug that you returned, kissing the top of your head as he did so. "You can just tell me whatever it is, ok? I'm here for you no matter what's going on."

You stayed quiet for a few moments, hugging your husband and staying in place, thinking about how to word what you needed, absolutely had to tell him.

And eventually, you pulled away from the hug to look up at Izuku, seeing him still smiling at you, waiting for you to speak and tell him what was going on, and that was when you decided just to say it.

"I'm pregnant."

There was silence again, and you had to keep yourself from laughing out loud at Izuku's shocked face. He couldn't believe what you'd just said and was just staring at you wide eyed. Honestly, it was the same reaction you'd had when your doctor told you the nausea in the morning and your sudden aversion to tuna were pregnancy symptoms because, yes, you had a little person growing inside you at the moment. It also explained your very strange craving for tofu and pineapple together.

"A-Are you s-serious...?"

You nodded, smiling a bit when you saw Izuku was starting to tear up, and you knew it was out of pure happiness, even though this was earlier than either of you had expected.

You guys were going to parents, something you'd both known you wanted since you were kids yourselves. How could he be anything but happy?

"Yeah...I'm serious. I'm due in September...we're going to be parents, Izuku!"

That was what pushed him over to full on crying out of happiness, hugging you close and telling you how happy he was, how much he loved you, how much he couldn't wait to meet your son or daughter. It made you laugh while you hugged him back, repeating the same things.

"I-I love you much!!"

"I love you too, Izuku!!"

"A-And the b-baby!"

"Of course!"

You knew you'd have to deal with nine months of sickness, back pain, strange cravings, mood swings, and a lot of other things, but that didn't matter much at the moment.

All that mattered was that you two were going to have a baby, you were going to be parents.

And you were both beyond excited to start this next chapter of your life together.

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