Slip of the Tongue [8/20]

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The Sports Festival went off without a hitch. You stayed home and watched it downstairs with your parents, being amazed at everyone and cheering on all your friends (but mostly Izuku of course). You hated not being there, but knew that you had so much to look forward to next year.

Watching the Sports Festival was obviously different than participating, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. The obstacle course was easy for you to watch, you knew there was no way Izuku wouldn't have made it past the first round, and you cheered so loudly when he won that your parents thought you were feeling much better than earlier that day (until you started coughing and wheezing from your sore throat).

The cavalry battle had you on the edge of your seat, not knowing Shouto Todoroki well enough and wondering what his problem was with Izuku, apart from the fact your boyfriend had the highest point total on him. You felt relief hearing that Izuku's team had made it to the final round (you were surprised that Mei chose to team up with him, but felt confidant she wasn't going to let anything slip about your relationship with him to Uraraka and Tokoyami [Mei wasn't even supposed to know but she caught you two leaving school and holding hands one day, so you told her]).

The one-on-one battles had you biting your nails, and stressfully texting and calling Izuku after his battle against Shouto, wanting to make sure he was ok and that he wasn't upset, but you were sent to voicemail the whole time. You assumed he was probably just as engrossed in the rest of the battles as you were, so you waited until the event was over to call him again (instead getting a call from Mei who kept you on the phone for quite a while).

After the awards ceremony (where you laughed your butt off at how they had to restrain Katsuki), you finally got a call from Izuku, and you were both glad to hear him and shocked to hear what he had to say.

"What?! Surgery!?"

You hear him chuckle just a bit, probably nervously, because he knew you must be worried at this point since he didn't give any details yet.

"Yeah...during my fight against Todoroki, I broke my right arm pretty badly. Recovery Girl said the bones had splintered and she had to remove the pieces...oh! I'm ok though, I promise!! I mean, my arm is in a sling and everything, but other than that I'm just fine!"'

You pout a bit. You're upset that Izuku was that badly injured, but when he explained everything that happened between him and Todoroki you were also proud.

"Well damn, guess I'll have to walk on your left side if I want to hold your hand for a bit huh?"

"Well, just a couple of days. We have some time off to rest and recover, and Recovery Girl said that when we get back she'll do another treatment to help me along faster."

"Hmm that's good~ You gonna come over tonight or go straight home?"

You figured his mother's probably got something planned to celebrate Izuku's first year in the Sports Festival, and you're sure you hear him nod a bit.

"I'm going to be heading home, my mom has dinner ready and she wants to show me parts of the Sports Festival. I'll come by tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure! That's fine! I should be pretty much all better tomorrow, we can hang out at my house or go somewhere!"

"That sounds good! I'll call you later tonight, ok?"

"Yup~ Tell Katsuki I said congrats on his win. I love you, Izuku."

"Yeah, I will...I love you too, (Y/N)-chan. See you."

"See you."

You hang up your phone and you can't help the grin that takes over your face. Izuku was fine, he had done amazingly well in the Sports Festival, and you two would be spending tomorrow together, the first day you'd have off in a while and it was going to be spent with our darling boyfriend. Nothing could ruin that, nope.

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