A Talk About Your Quirk [18/20]

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[From: Izuku <3

To: (Y/N)-chan, Mom, All Might

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Another big step forward, thanks to all of you!!]

Getting Izuku's text after the provisional license exam ended made you hurriedly grab your phone and those darned promise rings as you ran out of your dorm room. You'd made sure to ask Izuku if he was back so you didn't end up at 1-A's dormitory too early and look strange waiting for them. When he responded back that he was there, he said he'd meet you halfway in a few minutes, causing you to rush out and yell to Mei that you'd be back later when she asked where you were going.

Today! Ugh...I feel sick thinking about this...

You made it to your meeting stop before Izuku and took the time to catch your breath, trying to think through what you wanted to say to him when you gave him the gift, but as soon as you hear him call your name, all your thoughts leave you and you just smile at how happy Izuku looks.

Once he reaches you, Izuku wraps you up in a tight hug, rambling about the exam and how difficult it was, before he pulls his license out of his pocket.

"See?? I actually passed! I did it!"

"I'm so proud of you Izuku!!"

Izuku just hugs you again, you know he's overwhelmed by his emotions, he's so unbelievably happy to have passed and received his provisional license, and you're just as happy for him. He deserves this, you know that. It's been his dream to be a hero since you two were small children, and he was one step closer to being a pro, even though it would still be a few more years before he reached that status.

After a few minutes, you finally break the hug and give Izuku was a bright smile, saying "I...I have something for you!"

"What?? You do?? Why though?"

"W-Well...it was originally for your birthday but uh...things happened that day...so...I decided I'd give it to you when you got your provisional license!"

Hearing that you had a gift for him made Izuku smile while he watched you pull a box out of your pocket. Your face is bright red and you look like you're fighting on whether you should actually give it to him, before you finally hold it out for him to take.

"Thanks, (Y/N)-chan..."

"You haven't even opened it yet, silly..."

Izuku laughs while you smile, nervously watching him open the box and look a bit confused before he looks at you.

"What are these for?"

"W-Well, they're p-promise rings! S-See there's one for y-you, and one f-for me! So we can match!"

Your explanation makes Izuku's face turn as red as yours as he nods, still staring at the box in his hands. You're getting more nervous as he looks like he's thinking, and you wonder if he thinks you're crazy for doing this.

He hates it, omg I knew it. This was such a stupid idea! Damn it, (Y/N), you've probably ruined your relationship now!!

"Can...can I put yours on you...?"

Izuku surprises you back to reality when he says this, but you just nod without another word, holding out your left hand and he's blushing madly while he slips the ring on your finger. You don't say anything before taking the one meant for him out of the box and placing it on his left hand yourself, the two of you looking at your hands with gentle smiles on your faces. It's a promise to be together forever, and you're both convinced it's one that'll come true in the future; one day you'll get married and then have a family, you were certain of that.

"I love you, (Y/N)-chan..."

"I love you too, Izuku."

It takes you a bit to calm down, and not feel like you're going to cry because you're so happy, but once you're calm, all you do is smile while Izuku explains the provisional exam to you, telling you everything that happened while he holds your hand as you two walk to 1-A's dormitory.

Your ring feels like it's been there all along.


"Ahh, the rings are so pretty on you two!"

"You guys are the cutest couple ever!!"

You and Izuku can't help but blush and smile while Mina and Ochako swoon over the two of you, both asking to see how your promise ring looks on you. They both keep asking you to tell them when and how it went, while you're trying to ask them about the provisional license exam and see their licenses. Izuku takes to looking at his phone, and you turn to ask him who he's texting.

"Who you talking to Izuku?"

"Ah, just waiting for a response from—"


You see Izuku jump when Katsuki shouts for him, just barely quiet enough that no one else but the two of you hear him as he walks by Izuku, almost speaking at a low whisper, but you can hear your childhood friend loud and clear.

"Meet me out front later. We gotta talk about your Quirk."

You're confused, especially when you see Izuku freeze up a bit as you both watch Katsuki walk away. Izuku had told you that Katsuki, unfortunately, hadn't passed the provisional license exam, and you had intended to talk to him, but hadn't gotten the chance because you friends were so determined to see and speak to you.

About his Quirk...? Does Katsuki know something...?

Izuku trembles a bit, and you place your hand on his shoulder to try and help him calm down.

"Hey, Izu, you ok?"

"I-I'm f-fine..."

He's obviously not, based on the fear you can see in his eyes, and it makes you grab his hand and start leading your boyfriend to his dorm room, hoping to really get him to calm down and maybe tell you if he knew what was going on with Katsuki. You were absolutely sure he didn't know anything else about Izuku's Quirk, Katsuki would have told you if he learned anything, since you were both curious.

But...why was Izuku so scared? Weren't he and Katsuki getting better in their friendship? Or...was it all just to make you think they were, since they were your childhood friends and you were dating Izuku? You weren't sure, but once you get Izuku to his dorm room, you make him sit on the edge of his bed and stand in front of him with your arms crossed.



"Tell me about your Quirk already."

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