danny devito

10 5 0

ok so im just like hating everything rn bc, i just hate going to school, ya know. its not bc of drama or anything. its bc i hate looking at my crush and just knowing that he dont love me back. and i tried not liking him but, he just too kaute. and i like other boys for like 4 seconds then at the end of the day i realize that the dont like me either. they probably like one of the more 'popular' girls who have like 1000 followers on insta. then i stop liking tjem cause i dont give a fuck, i gave up on my main a long time ago, so if it has like 300 followers now its bc idc.

small rant:
so im not gay, or lesbian but it bothers me how ppl have the nerve to say this to LGBTQ ppl:
"all gays should burn in hell"
"wait youre a girl and like a girl, stop, ew you should like boys"
"stop wearing makeup its for girls"
so first of all stfu. and second, your opinion to them dosent matter cause at the end of the day its not you in their body, its not you who gets to decide wether sum1 else is LGB. and also its not you (a girl) dating whoever they dating, its 2018, just except that not everyone is strait. also james is slaying that makeup (lol just one person i thought of) he looks better than you. and you will be sister shook when he steals your man. like you are wasting your time typing those comments telling them to kill themselves cause they gay, cuz bitch they dont give a fuck, the never will, and they can never change their sexuality even if they wanted to. dontcum4me👍🏽

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