Paige continued to stuff her mouth with her food, but Claire and Layla wiped their grins and replaced them with sheer distaste and confusion. 

"I mean," Anna started, trying not to dig herself into a hole that Claire would never let her out of, "I think we taught her a lesson last night. There's no way she'll ever be an issue for us again."

"She threw herself at my boyfriend and it made me look like an idiot," Layla reminded her, pushing her food away in disgust. 

"Come on Layla, I'd hardly call Isaac your boyfriend," a small chuckle escaped Anna's mouth. It was true, Isaac never identified himself as officially being with Layla. It was a fact that everyone was aware of, as he had his fair share of hookups during the summer. 

But the humor in her face dissipated as both Claire and Layla shot deadly looks Anna's way. 

It was rare for Claire to get upset with Anna. Usually, Paige took the rap for making her irritated and angry. But at the moment, Anna could feel her intense stare carving holes into her skin. 

Claire leaned forward, resting her arms on the table top, "The bitch is aware of who Isaac is or is not seeing. The fact that she pressed her luck, thinking that he would have touched her in any way is not only an insult to him but every single one of us, including you." 

Anna nodded once again, not bothering to finish the rest of her food as the conversation continued. 

Claire had the devious idea of showing up to Molly's house with the guys in ski masks and as long as she was alone, staging some break in to scare her into the next century. She would never know who the culprits were and it was the final stage of breaking her down. Ultimately leaving Claire satisfied with herself and the awful act she pulled on an innocent girl.    

Soon, lunch was over and the four girls took to the clogged hallways, stopping at Claire's locker to prepare for their next class. 

As she stood, fingers tips glided along the small of Anna's back in the gap between shirt and the top of her jeans, the unexpected sensation causing her body to jump slightly. A small grin lifted at her lips and excitement seeded through her veins as she turned around, expecting to see Nolan's smiling face.

Instead, Reese emerged from behind her. His eyes on her for a brief moment and his fingers only leaving her naked skin as he leaned over to steal a dragged out kiss from Claire. 

That's when she noticed Isaac trailing behind him, who had a sly grin on his face after he watched the mildly inappropriate touch. 

If Isaac, saw, perhaps Claire did too? If she had, there was no way she was going to let it slide.

By the happiness in her face, Anna knew she hadn't, which was best for everyone. Reese, of course, was a flirt and his behavior towards Anna at times was a product of that. She was able to let it slide, knowing it was harmless as long as Claire and Nolan didn't witness it. 

Surely, one of them was bound to take it out of context.

"Where's Nolan?" Anna inquired, noticing he was no where to be found.

"He stayed home today," Isaac answered as he rummaged through Claire's locker, picking out a granola bar. 

Before Anna could ask why, especially considering Nolan never mentioned staying home, Reese spoke up, "Did you guys hear the news?" He asked as he curled his arm around Claire's small neck, "I guess some girl is missing. The cops are all over it so that party this weekend is a no go."

"Who was it?" Paige asked, genuinely curious.

Reese shrugged, unconcerned by the news he just delivered, "No idea. I think her name was Mary or some shit," trialing a finger down Claire's chest, losing focus.

A chill swept through the air.

"Molly," Anna whispered to herself, looking to Claire, who suddenly forced Reese's arm from off of her neck and slammed her locker shut. 

Reese frowned for a moment at her behavior and then confirmed Anna's statement, "Yeah, Molly," trying to put his arm back over Claire, the look of realization hit him, "Wait," he drew out, cracking an amused smile as he looked to Isaac, "Molly Mayes?"

Isaac pushed into the group, a sick smile on his face like he had just discovered gold, "Oh shit, yeah!" He blurted, turning his attention to Claire, his eyes turning into slits, "She was there last night. You invited her to put on that show for everyone and you even sold me out in the process."

Anna could remember countless instances where Isaac would join in on the humiliation of Molly. But it seemed he was caught off guard last night when Claire offered him up for the lead in her little plan.  

"See, I told you that you invited her!" Paige interjected, feeling confident that she was for once right about something. 

Claire lost her composure for a moment, "Oh my god, shut the fuck up!" 

It was safe to assume that she had the same thoughts provoking her mind as Anna did. The terrifying reality that perhaps they were to blame for Molly being missing. 

Her eyes began to blink away concern as she shifted her body. She looked to Anna for a moment, who's gaze was already on her. And as quickly as she lost it, she found her self control as she averted her stare from Anna's questioning eyes and welcomed Reese's arm around her shoulders once again. 

Claire shrugged, "Everyone just needs to calm down. We were all obliterated by the time she showed up. Who's to say she wasn't too. It's not like it would be our fault if something happened to her. For all we know, she could have skipped town." 

Perhaps Claire was right, maybe Molly ran off to find herself for a little while.  And perhaps no one truly remembered exactly what happened, because it was the plain fact that everyone was drunk or high or under some kind of influence. 

All except for Anna, who hadn't touched a single drop of alcohol the night Molly ran into the woods alone and humiliated.  And it was that exact reason the made her fear the absolute worst.

What happened to Molly?  

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