Confusion: On the Open Road

Start from the beginning

"Who do you think you are?" Julia asked him stepping behind Bruce for cover. George slowly moved, unnoticed, back to the cars. The bandit stood on top of the cars and looked over to Zack and Boyde. He then aimed the gun their way and held it in place. "Well look how the tables have turned" he told them smiling chummily. Boyde then lifted his gun toward the man and laughed once. Zack saw him and lifted up his as well. Then Bruce and Lilly lifted up theirs. They all had guns pointed on him now and he continued to point his at Zack. "This can only go one of two ways!" Zack shouted at him. "If you shoot me they all shoot you, or you can just walk away" "And what? Let you shoot me anyway?!" the man screamed back. "How about I just kill all of you!" he shouted. Not a real good negotiator. "Have it your way" Zack said clinking the trigger. The bandit shot once and dove off of the cars landing out of sight. George, near the cars, was shot in the foot and cried out painfully. "Shit!" he yelled falling down behind the car. Julia and Diego quickly ran over to him and helped conceal the wound. Bruce and Boyde started shooting the cars hoping a bullet would hit the bandit hiding. Return fire was coming back at them and they dived out of the way, "Damn" Zack said almost getting hit. A few bullets zoomed past his head and he jumped into a nearby ditch, slamming his head off of a dis-attached bumper. The others continued to shoot at the bandit until they heard him scream out in pain.

Boyde hopped onto the cars and looked down to see three zombies tearing him apart. "Ahaha! He's finished guys. Fucker" he said spitting at him. Bob over on the other side of the road was being munched away at as well, Boyde's smile then faded when he looked ahead to see a giant herd of zombies coming their way. "The gunfire must have drew them to us!" George said limping behind the cars staring down the street. Boyde quickly reloaded his gun and looked down the road. "You crazy Boyde, no way we can kill all of them!" Bruce shouted. George turned around to go back over to the cars when a hand came out from under the car and grabbed his ankle. "Shit!" he cried out. The zombie dragged his foot closer to the car and bit into it. "It got me!" George screamed. Diego quickly ran over with the machete and sliced the zombies head in half. "I'm done for!" George yelled as he stumbled to the ground. Diego grunted and sliced through George's ankle. "Gahhhh!" George screamed right before he passed out. "Their comin'!" Boyde yelled hopping off of the cars. "What do we do?" Lilly asked Boyde, "Where's Zack!?" "Forget about him, we need to get into these cars and hide" Boyde told them. He grabbed onto Lilly and lead her into a car crashed in the ditch. Diego carried George into their car and set him in the backseat unseen, Franky then hopped in the front and huddled below the dashboard. "Okay, this is bad" Diego told himself looking at the bleeding stump.

Julia and Bruce hopped in the other car they drove there in and lied in the backseat. She could only fit on top of him but he didn't mind. "I already got you on top of me and we haven't known each other too long" he joked. She giggled and rested her head on his chest.

The zombies past by Bob and and the bandit being eaten and made their ways to where the cars were. Boyde peeked his head up to look at how many there were and saw that the zombies were already banging on their two vehicles they drove up to this point. Shit, he thought to himself. Bruce and Julia stayed silent as the three guys in the other car started to panic.

"What do we do!!" Diego asked Franky. Franky looked at the zombies smashing in the glass and looked back to George who was passed out. "First of all, rip off his pant leg to cover up that wound, and then use your shirt to tie around his leg." Franky looked back at the zombies and realized they were fucked. In the other car, The window smashed over Julia's head and she cried out. The zombies started to reach in but she shuffled out of their reach, sacking Bruce in the process. "Ahhhhh!!" she screamed as the window behind her smashed in. She moved to the middle of the car and looked both ways as Bruce stayed hidden below.

Zack Miller shakes his head and wakes up. He then looks around confused and realizes he is in a ditch. "The fuck?" Zack stands up and sees a big group of zombies smashing in the windows and people inside screaming. He knows there is two options here, run and save him self... or save the others. Zack hesitantly walks away from the cars but his conscience gets the better of him. "They better fucking thank me for this shit!" he tells himself. Zack uses the back of his gun and smashes in a zombies head, he then makes his way toward the cars and jumps on them. "Hey you undead fucks! I'M OVER HERE!!" he yells as loud as he can. Some turn and look as a few others continue ravaging at the cars. Zack takes his gun and shoots the ones near the cars until he ran out of ammo. "Shitheads" he told them. He kicked the zombie closest to him away and jumped off the cars. "LET'S GO!" he began to chant. "COME ON" he yelled. Zack took off down the street the way they came from screaming his head off. A good chunk of the zombies followed. The few that stayed were quickly taken care of by the remaining people there. "Son of a bitch" Boyde said cheerfully, "the fucker did it, he really risked his life". Everyone exited there vehicles and looked down the street as the last zombies disappeared from their sights. "What now!?" Lilly asked holding back the tears. She felt horrible for Zack. Diego stepped on the cars and looked down the road. "I think there's a city a few miles that way" he told them. "Let's go then" Boyde told them preparing himself for the role he was about to take. First Jon died, then Zack took over. But he is gone now too, this group was his for the taken, and George who lead the other group was injured and afraid. Bruce isn't leadership material and neither is Diego. The woman don't have what it takes to lead the group and Franky is in no shape too either. Boyde was ready.

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