Fred & George

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Imagine pranking the school with Fred & George

You were walking down the corridor to the Gryffindor corridor when you heard footsteps echoing down the corridor behind you.

"Are you ready for tomorrow (y/n)." You looked to your left to see a flurry of red hair as your two best friends surrounded you.

"You can't back out now, we need you for this." You flicked your head to the right as the other Weasley twin appeared.

You had been planning this prank for a few weeks now, of course you were the more competent wizard but they were still better at pranking.

It was your fourth year at Hogwarts and you and the Weasley brothers had clicked from the moment you were all sorted into Gryffindor. You don't know how but they had managed to drag you into their pranks and that's where your friendship had begun. You had gotten closer after all the years spent pranking members of the school. Recently you had played a practical joke on Snape where you had narrowly avoided expulsion by hiding in the boys toilets.

"Of course I'm with you guys." You laughed and joked as you made your way into the common room


(Time lapse thing, before lunch)

You were exhausted. You had woken up before breakfast in time to perfect what you were going to do that day you were exhausted and luckily had the morning periods free before lunch to finally put the prank into action. You were tired and grumpy.

"If I get my hands on those twins.." You went silent before bursting into laughter at the sight before you. The entire school was in the great hall and they were all laughing but extremely confused. The teachers were running around trying to keep the students calm and trying to tell them to stop touching things but it wasn't working. Every time a student went to grab an item it multiplied and carried on multiplying until the room was beginning to fill with food.

"Geminio" you had whispered over the food after it had been prepared by the house elves. The twins were smiling as they were on look out for anyone coming to check on that days meals.

"Great work (y/n)" the twins came up to you grabbing you into a group hug as the commotion played out in front of you. "No thanks to you to." You all started laughing again when you saw kids trying to take bites out of ever multiplying food.

"We ought to make a move." George spoke and you all turned and made your way to the common room. Pupils filing out of the hall would every now and then give you all a pat on the back and an odd congratulations from those who knew. You spent the rest of the day up in the common room laughing with the twins and beginning the plans for you next scheme and you wouldn't want it any other way.

ImaginesforfandomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora