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Imagine Cas finding you hurt alone in your motel room

"(Y/n) you're staying here whether you like it or not." You glared at Dean.
"I know how to hunt, I'm not an idiot." You shouted at the brothers giving Sam a questioning glare
"I'm with Dean on this one. I'm sorry (y/n) last time was too close, I'm surprised you came out of it uninjured." You glared at the brothers before throwing yourself on the couch, wincing slightly.
"You owe me pie." That was all you said before the two brothers went to take care of the local werewolf pack.
You had fought off a few down the road without telling the boys, until they found you. After they had helped you kill them they dragged you back here before leaving. You hadn't told them though that you had been fighting for longer than they thought though.
You went and hung up your jacket and then walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"Goddamnit, you looked like you'd been to hell and back. Your t-shirt was torn to shreds and you could feel the blood seeping out. Luckily you had kept it well hidden from the boys, no need for them to worry you thought. You tore of the remains of your t-shirt and began attempting to clean the wounds.
"A little deeper than I imagined" you whispered to yourself as the blood continued to pour.
"(Y/n)." A flutter of wings told you exactly who it was but you were still startled and couldn't help but jump.
"Cas, this isn't as bad as it looks." You answered in response to the look on his face as he stared at your stomach.
"(Y/n) you're hurt." Cas stepped towards you as you stepped back. "I can help."
"I'm fine, honestly I got this." Your voice faded as you spoke and you realised you were beginning to feel drowsy.
"(Y/n)!" As the world tipped sidewards you felt yourself fall into a pair of arms before you blacked out.


You awoke to the sound of a door opening and shutting. Your eyes felt droopy so you kept them shut just listening to the conversations nearby
"Cas, bloody hell what happened." You heard dean's worried tone before cas replied
"She was injured so I healed her." You lived Cas's voice, it was soothing and you felt yourself drifting back to sleep but you realised someone was holding your hand. You squeezed the hand and held it like that before you felt yourself falling back into a dream, but not before you felt his lips brush your forehead.
"Sleep well (y/n), sleep well my angel"

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