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•imagine meeting Sherlock for the first time•

"Come on Lestrade. I came to visit, I could be on a flight out of here in," you checked your watch. "20 minutes if you let me go."

"Just stay for a few minutes and tell me what you think afterwards (y/n). You can leave if you get bored."

You looked at the black door you stood in front of with the numbering 221. Your mind twitched as you thought of who could live here. You hadn't been here long enough to scour the papers but you had an inkling of an idea. You saw the knocker was on the wonk and you couldn't help but straighten it, before the door was pulled open by a woman. You examined every detail on her from her hair to her clothes to the gloves she was wearing.

"Lestrade, who is this young wo..."

"I'm sorry about your husband."

"Oh, here to see Sherlock." You saw this woman give Lestrade a wink, you couldn't help but give them both a look of confusion.

Mrs Hudson laughed and walked off down the corridor,

"Lestrade is here."

You heard shuffling upstairs before Lestrade led you up a set of narrow stairs.

"I still don't see why we're here Lestrade. I don't enjoy wasting my time on anyone you find on the street. I have more important things to do."

Lestrade didn't answer which annoyed you. He walked up to the top of the stairs and opened up the door leading into a decent sized room cluttered with stuff.

The first figure you saw was a short man who came to greet you out the door. You curiously examined him before finally asking.

"Afghanistan or Iraq"

As soon as you said that a smile appeared on this mans face.

"John Watson, Afghanistan." It wasn't long before you saw another figure prowling out of the kitchen. You would call it a kitchen but it resembled a science lab. You stared up at the figure, he was tall but not too tall, but that's all you could deduce from this man. From the look of confusion on his face he was having the same problem. You heard the door closing and you realised you were both alone.

"Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective." You shook his hand.

"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n), freelance detective."

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

"I would love one." And that's where it began, you talked well into the night, you talked about cases and personality traits. It was the first time either of you had opened up. You couldn't just deduce each other you had to talk, so talk you did. It didn't take long for fatigue to take over.

"Well Sherlock Holmes it was a pleasure to meet you." You waited for him to say something but he didn't. He stared blankly at the wall of his room.

You stood up abruptly and walked out the door.

You heard the slow shuffle of feet before the door opened behind you, silhouetting the figure at the top of the stairs.

"You'll come back tomorrow (y/n)"

"Maybe Sherlock Holmes, Maybe."

You couldn't help but smile as you walked down Baker Street.

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