Captain Jack Harkness

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Sorry it's short I didn't know what to write

Imagine Jack Harkness apologising.

"Just let me out!" You shoved your way past Jack as you ran out. You couldn't stand it any longer, what did he expect that he couldn't come home for days and you'd just leave it at that. You hadn't seen him in weeks and he just shows up and says hi. He was annoying, self-centred and obsessed with his work and you'd had enough. Leave if you've had enough he'd said so leave you had.

You'd been walking for a while now before you heard someone shout your name. You turned to see Captain Jack Harkness standing at the end of the road.

"Just leave me alone Jack." You screamed at him before continuing your journey.

"Listen, (y/n), just wait." You heard the words come out in pants as he ran and placed his hand on your shoulder turning you around. "I'm sorry." You looked into your eyes but turned away.

"I've had enough of your apologies, just go away." You turned away tears had begun to stream down your face.

"Please, just listen. I know I've been away, I haven't been paying you much attention." You scoffed and he paused, but you were intrigued so you let him finish. "I promise to make time for you, to start, will you accompany me to the park for a picnic." He pulled out a basket but as you turned to face him he placed his finger under you chin and tilted you head up to face him.

"You know I can't trust you Jack." You whispered quietly your heads were getting closer.

"We'll have to change that." You barely heard his reply before you were taken away when you lips collided.

When you finally broke apart you were both smiling.

"I may have to take you up on that picnic." He held out his arm and you took it as you walked to the park.

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