Percy Jackson

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Imagine meeting Percy at Archery

You breathed in slowly as you pulled back the taught string. One last breath and you let go, the arrow soaring towards the target hitting a bullseye on your first attempt.

You pulled another arrow from your quiver and let another soar towards the target. With every bullseye you stepped backwards until you were bored and decided to close your eyes.

You could hear one after another as they hit their target. You let another arrow loose but you heard a cry, before it hit the target.

You eyes flew open as you saw a camper standing shocked by your target.

"I'm so sorry," the apology was tumbling out of your mouth as you stepped forward to collect the arrows still vibrating from where they are embedded. You glimpsed a few strands if hair floating down from one of the arrows.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were shooting, you were so far away, I didn't think."

You finally got a look at who was standing before you and you stepped back with your now full quiver blushing, "You're Percy Jackson, I'm so so sorry, I never meant to hit anyone." You turned to begin walking away trying to hide the colour that had come to your cheeks.

"Wait I never got your name." You slowly came to a halt and turned.

"My name is (y/n), daughter of Apollo."

You saw realisation fill his face and he held out the now he was carrying.

"Do you think you could help me." You just wanted to leave, but who could say no to that face, so you walked him back and told him to show you what he's got.

He pulled back the bow and you almost cringed at the terrible posture he had. He took a stuttered breath before releasing the string to send the arrow flying through the air and completely miss the target. You laughed.

"I see why you need my help." You told him to stand again and you began correcting his stance.

You told him to bring his arms up higher. You showed him where to pull the string back to and you told him to straighten his back, which he completely ignored, and the next arrow he let go grazed the edge of the target. You sighed and took matters into your own hands.

You placed your bow over your back and walked over to Percy, grabbing his arms and setting them into the correct position. You placed the string by the corner of his mouth and finally you placed one hand on his shoulder and one on his lower back and pulled him up to a straightened position. You realised your hands had lingered there for a little too long.

"There now try." He real eased the string which sent the arrow into the Target.

"You missed the bullseye but at least it hit the target." You laughed as you looked over to the son of Poseidon standing next to you.

You pulled at your bow and you both began shooting until you finally ran out of arrows. Walking forwards in silence you went to try pull an arrow out the target but it was stuck, pull as hard as you could you couldn't get it out.

"Damn it, Percy, could you?" You tilted your head at the visible half of the arrow, he walked up behind you and started pulling with you.

You were conscious of his body pressed against you back. So preoccupied that when the arrow finally gave way you lost your balance and hurtled to the floor. Your arms were waving wildly as you fell. You felt your hand touch something so you grabbed it. A grunt sounded through the air as you pulled Percy down as well.

A short moment of silence passed before it was broken.

"Are you alright (y/n)." You looked up and realised Percy had landed on top of you. All you could do was blush. You realised his head had lowered and he placed a light kiss on your lips, before he jumped up and stuck his hand down.

"My dear (y/f/n) (y/l/n), daughter of Apollo will you accompany me to the campfire." You hadn't realised how dark it had gotten.

You blushed even more as you took his hand and he walked with you to the Campfire. You were conscious of his hand in yours the entire way


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