Frank Zhang

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•imagine tripping and falling into Franks arms.•

You were walking on your way to the barracks head down, you weren't really crying but teardrops had begun to fall from your eyes. It had been a bad day, you had managed to Embarrass yourself fighting and still hadn't been claimed by your godly parent. You were beginning to wonder if your mother had lied, maybe you were ordinary, but then you wouldn't have been let in.

Still the doubt was raised in you mind. What if.

You were raised from your thoughts when you felt your foot hook in a tree root, your stomach dropped and you felt yourself hurling forwards, there wasn't fright just a thought, great, I get to embarrass myself even more, even cohort 5 won't want me anymore. You braced yourself, hands in front of your face as you tipped forward, but you never hit the ground.

You felt a large pair of arms around your waist. You swivelled round and you were looking straight up into the eyes of Frank, your Praetor. You stood up and noticed his arms were still around you. He was staring at you concern in his eyes.

"Are you alright (y/n)" he asked but before you had time to answer you were pulled even closer he leant down and his lips collided with yours. The sweet moment lasted but a second before he pulled back.

"I'm...I'm sorry, you deserve someone better." You pull his head round to look into his eyes.

"I was just about to say the same thing." It wasn't long before you had stood on your tiptoes to press your lips against his, a feeling of ecstasy passing through your body.

Maybe this day wouldn't be too bad.

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