Time of death

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"You saw it. You created the rift." Scott said in a low toned voice.

"What rift?" Liam asked. For some reason he seemed to be the only one who was actually confused about everything happening. And for the most part he's actually been involved.
Me on the other hand, I've missed everything. Especially the part where Liam and Hayden suddenly start re-kindling their relationship.
How great.

"You remembered him. Your memories enough created a rift. A passage way." Lydia commented, starring at the table as she carved little lines in the wooden surface with the tips of her fingernails

"But where does it lead?" Dad asked, putting the words out there that everyone was scared to ask themselves. Simply because we didn't know. But I did.

"It leads to stiles. He saw it. I know he did." I add. When the rift opened. The feeling that I had was more than anything. I could feel stiles. Like I was with him again. And that feeling is more than enough to keep me going.

"So if we remember him, then maybe we can create a rift too." Malia states.

We all look at each other as I turn my head towards Scott, Lydia and Malia. With an idea like the one I have right now, we would need to leave.

"Guys. I think I have an idea on how to remember stiles." I said, quickly getting their attention
"You guys have to be in your own minds. You need to find the memories. But still be semi conscious."

They all looked at each other like they had a plan, and idea.

"Like the ice bath" Lydia stated

"Ice bath?" I asked in confusion

"We took these ice baths in order to remember certain things about a problem we were dealing with at the time." Scott shooed off the question he obviously knew I was wondering about

"Wait. In the bunker, the Argent bunker. There's the cold machine we used for Parrish."

"We could use that on us to keep ourselves still awake."

I was beyond confused at this point. But it must have been around the same time that I was out cold in the hospital. I swear, you miss one day in beacon hills and you've practically missed one year. That's normally how it goes right?

"Okay. We need to go."
Scott, Malia and Lydia all got up. They had an idea. A plan to get stiles back. To get my brother back, our friend. Our family.
And all I could do was pray to god that it worked.

"Lacey?" I heard Scott say. When I looked at him I saw the three of them were already by the door about to leave. Dad was gone, and Liam was sitting down, staring at me intently.
I wonder how often I space out...
"You coming?"

I stared at them and nodded, but I wanted to talk to Liam, and I could feel his need to talk to me too. Since all he could do was try and send my mind messages. Even though he isn't as advanced at it as I am, he seems to be trying quite hard. I just don't know anymore.

"I'll meet you guys at the bunker." I said back to them, Malia nodded and started walking but I could see that Scott and Lydia were a little more hesitant. I could see it in their eyes, and hear it in their thoughts. But I didn't want them to worry. I gave them a reassuring closed smile and nodded my head at them.
They just looked back at me, but then left. Knowing that I would, and had to handle this.

They left the house, closing the door and making the sounds echo through the rooms as Liam and I stood at opposing sides of the room.

This has to be one of the most awkward situations anyone could ever be in. Standing sheepishly around your ex-boyfriend/ current boyfriend. To the point where you don't even know if you two are still together. Especially when you know the relationship might end because you kissed someone who wasn't him.

"Hi." He says. That's it. Just a 'hi'
Was that all he was going to say?

"Hi." I sat back to him, putting a little annoyance in my tone. But I knew that he could already sense how I was feeling. I think everyone could at this moment

"Listen, I'm sorry. I know, I haven't been with you lately. Trust me I know. Ever since the party. You shouldn't have jumped in front of me. Why did you do that?" He questioned. I could see the rage building up inside of his body.

"Right now? You are going to get frustrated with me about that right now?!" I shout

"Well I couldn't talk to you about it earlier because you were in a coma!" He shouts back. Already, both of us are breathing heavy as our shoulders are heaving up and down.

"Well then what would have happened to you?" I asked him
"If I didn't take those bullets for you. You would have been gone. Just like stiles was. You would have been in that awful place. And yes it's awful, because I've been there. I saw it. And you couldn't imagine the suffering it would put you through!"

"How did you go there?" He asked almost immediately.

"When I got home from the hospital. They made me stay inside the house. But I did leave. Or more like mentally teleported. And I saw stiles. I was with him. Theo woke me up but he was real and so was the place-"

"Theo? What the hell was he doing at your house?!" Liam shouts.
But now that I think about it, I have no idea where Theo even went. After I ran into the house to get dad, I guess I just assumed he would follow me. But he was gone. And I hadn't seen him since.

"He came by to see me Liam. Which is more than you did. What? You were just too busy messing around with Hayden to come by and see your girlfriend?" I snap. I've been waiting to let that slip out. To watch him squirm since now he knows that I know he was with her. Even after everything that's happened.

And he did, he did squirm at the mention of her name. At the realization that I knew he was with her. He sighed and let his head fall. Knowing damn well that he would have to tell me why they were even hanging out.

He walked around the room a few times, opening and closing his fists like some nervous tick. Like the things in his mind were just taking him over and he didn't know how long he could hold. And yes.I knew what that looked like. I've experienced it up close.

"I didn't mean for that to happen Lace. You have to believe me." He said.

So he didn't mean to hang out with her. He just accidentally went with her to places and actually stayed. I mean what the hell. They brought Theo back together! How can that be a fucking accident?!

"She was just always there." He said, and by the time of his voice I knew that he was about to start a ramble
"I didn't want her to be with me. But you were gone. And everything you were gone, she was there. At every second. Like she knew I was alone and vulnerable without you. And I was, I was extremely vulnerable."

His hands were running through his thick dark drown hair as we stormed around the house. Breathing heavily. I could hear him letting a few growls slip out. Which made me wonder...
did more happen?

"You have to believe me, I didn't mean for it to happen Lace. It wasn't supposed to be this way." He said.
His voice trembled as if on the verge of a mental breakdown

"Let what happen Liam?" I asked...
But why did I ask? Did I even want to know if anything more happened? That could practically kill me. Why would I want that to happen though.
But who wouldn't?

When I feel his emotions, all I can feel is heartbreak. Regret. Anxiety.
What the hell was he hiding?
His chest was pounding harder than anything over ever heard of felt before. His heart was working at its full capacity.

"Come on Lace! Do you think I meant to sleep with her?! I get it! That's something you normally do voluntarily but it just happened. It wasn't supposed too and I never wanted it to happen!" He shouted.

And at that time, My heart stopped.


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