Damn Witches

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I could move. Hayden was kissing Liam. Again. Right I. Front of me. Why wasn't I stopping it. Oh that's right.
I couldn't move!!!

"Why can't I move?!" I shouted at her.

She let go of Liam as he seemed frozen. Literally. Was frozen in place.

"Oh. After everything that happened with the beast and you, ya know. Losing your memory. I set off looking for someone who could help make Liam fall in love with me. And forget about you."

I tried but I couldn't break whatever spell I was under. And that means it is one powerful ass witch

"You see. I met this witch. She was young, and outcast. Like me you could say. All she wanted was a chance to prove herself. So that's exactly what I did. I gave her a chance. And she's doing great. You can come out holly."

I could sense it. I didn't had to turn around. A young girl stepped from behind me.

"What did you do to her?" I asked, still frozen in my place, but I had managed to get a grip of my hands. Which is all I needed.

"I simply offered her a chance. And she gladly accepted. Now, if you'll excuse me."

She turned to Liam who was still frozen and started to kiss him again, forcing his hand to go under her shirt and over her breast's. She locked eyes on me as she placed his other hand on the rim of her shorts...

"Don't you dare." I gritted through my teeth. This little girl has a strong hold on me, which meant that someone had to have been helping her out.

She smiled against him as she guided his hand down the front of her shorts.

The rage inside of my was imminent. Every cell boiled with fury. I could feel my eyes turning into a dark color, but I wasn't sure which color. Whatever it was felt good.

Gaining my power, I flicked my hands out to my sides and the entire school started to shake. And just on time, the entire crew ran over to our side of the hallway and started to watch everything unfold. Scott, Malia, Lydia, mason, and Corey

Hayden had let go of Liam to regain her balance from the massive earthquake I was causing. But with the amount of power I have, I made to where only the school was shaking like crazy. Everyone near me was trying to hold their balance as I started floating up into the air.

"Face it Lacey! He's supposed to be with me. You will always just be the little side hoe that doesn't mean shit."

I looked deeply at her and screamed. Floating in the air, I threw one of my hands back against the wall, causing her to fly to it and causing a huge dent in the lockers.
I did the same with my other hand which sent her crashing into the other side of the lockers. She fell in the middle of the floor.

"Lacey!! Hey listen to us!" I could tell that was Scott's voice.
"Don't do this!"

"Lace. Please.." I looked at Liam, everything seemed heightened. More than usual. My vision showed no regular colors but everything looked a blood red.
When I saw Liam, all I could see was Hayden forcing his hands around her body.

"aaAAAHHHHHH!!!" I screamed. Slamming my fist down and making each row of lockers topple over Hayden.
I heard her scream, but it was quickly muffled.

The school stopped shaking as I softly landed on the school floors. Scott and everyone ran up to me
"Lacey! What the hell did you just do?!!" Scott shouted at me.

It had absolutely no effect on me. I just stared at him blankly
"Don't worry Scotty, I didn't kill her." I had no emotion in my voice. But god knows just how badly I wanted to kill her.

"Lace? What the hell was that? You shouldn't have done this." Liam whispered, caressing my arm with his light fingers

"Really? So I was supposed to do nothing while she forced you into kissing her, sliding your hands all around her, feeling her up?!" I shouted.

He bent his head down and shook his head
"No. No that's not what I-"

"Did she even force you?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him.

He darted his face up towards mine and looked hurt
"Of course she did. How can you think that if actually let her do that?!"

"I don't know Liam. You liked it before. Maybe your falling back on some old habits."
I whipped my hair and remembered the young girl who put the spell on me and Liam.
I strutted straight towards her

"Who are you?" I asked, crossing my arms as I stood right in front of her.

"I-I'm holly." This girl must only be a freshmen. I could only be a little bit older than her.

I nodded and her and turned around, facing the rest of my friends as I stood by Holly's side.

Scott and the rest of them were confused, but Liam knew exactly what I was going to do
"Lace, baby please don't do this."

I cocked a brow at him and placed my hand on Holly's shoulder. Disappearing from the school.


"Where are we???.." holly asked frantically

"We are in the woods. Now tell me, where did you get your power?" I asked, jumping straight to the point.

"I-i stole it.." she said.
Obviously this kid knows nothing about magic, because stealing it can have terrible consequences. Deadly consequences.

"Who did you steal it from?" I asked her.

"F-from these old witches that used to live in a house. They died and were buried there. But I found a spell that would allow me to take power." She informed.

My mouth went wide as I covered my face with my hands
"You what?!" I shouted

"I-I know it seems bad, b-but Hayden told me that she needed my help. And she said to do whatever it Tak- AHHHHHH!!!"

Out of no where, Holly's back started to arch, and her limbs started to fold in unnatural ways

"What's happening?- ahh!" She screamed.

"The witches are taking their power back"
The wind picked up which made it hard for even me to stand.
I might be the most powerful being in the world, but I even know that you never mess with a coven of old witches. Especially if they are already dead. Somehow they are more powerful that way.
"I can't stop them!!" I screamed over the wind.

Leaves began to form and surround her. Creating a massive dome.
"NOO!!" I screamed, by the time I entered the dome. She was gone.

She must have been only 15.
And now she's dead...

I told you there'd be consequences...


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