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"You know. We could have just taken my car!" I shouted to Liam, who was currently trying to fix a flat tire that we got on the way home from our perfect date

"It's a new car!" He defends

"Ummm. New to someone about 30 years ago. This car is older than my great grandpa!" I laughed out

"Whatever. Let me go look for the jack" he muttered as I remained laughing.

Just after I had finally tamed myself. I leaned up against the car that was pulled over to the side of a creepy, foggy road.
Liam walked over from behind the car and stood there looking at me with a cheesy grin

"Huhh... what?" I crossed my arms

"There's no jack" he said, clapping his hands together.

I rolled my eyes and faced my palm to the car, lifting my hand and making the car follow along.
"Get the spare" I smiled with a cheeky grin

Liam laughed as his head fell, shaking it slightly
He disappeared behind the car as I remained how I stood. Keeping the car at its current up-right position

Liam walked from behind the car once more and pressed his lips together in a thin line
"No spare?" I asked unbelievably

"No spare." He repeated

I sighed and placed the car down gently. Not wanting to ruin it as much as it already was
I grunted and rested my body against the car

"I know. Worst date ever." He slowly walked over, kicking rocks to the side with his head down

"Hey. This was the best date ever. No matter the position we are currently in." I giggled
He smiled but his spirits weren't lifted
"Besides." I continued
"We've had WAY worse. Like that double date."I smiled. Placing my arms around Liams neck and letting them hand loosely around him

"What about New Year's Eve?" He brought up

"Christmas with your parents.." I kept up

"That time stiles-"

"Please don't finish that sentence" I cringed, interrupting him

We both laughed bowed our heads, I looked at the ground as I left his gaze on me
"Your right. This is our best date ever. And right now isn't so bad. We are alone, just the two of us.."

"That's kinda what alone means.." I retorted

"Don't ruin this moment" he laughed, cashing me to smiled and chuckle.
Liams hand found their way to my waist and quickly tugged me towards him, which made my mouth drop and eyes go wide.

The smirk on his face let me know that he knew what he was doing to me was working... and it was
I tightened my arms around his neck and stood on my tippy toes as I brought him closer. Just as I was about to close the space between us and feel the beauty in Liams plump lips, I saw a part of headlights off in the distance

"Hey" I said, moving my face away just as Liam had moved in to kiss me
"Maybe they have a spare." I said, moving away from Liam and walking in the other cars direction

"Perfect timing" I heard him talk to the air, making me giggle

The car wasn't moving fast in any way. Instead it more rolling
It gets closer to us and Liam hurriedly gets in front of me, in which I just glare at him
"You know that I'm more powerful than you right?"

"Doesn't mean I can't still protect you." He snaps without looking at me
I thought it best to not say anything else...

We both watched as the car rolled right past us and hit the fence a few feet away.
Without saying anything. We both walked over to the car, very slowly.

The Legacy: A Towns Falling Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat