Chapter sixteen.

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Chapter sixteen.

'Are you guys nervous?' Harry asked as we all sat outside our managements office. They had heard that Liam and I were now a couple and ordered us to come in immediately. They did not sound happy at all!

'No.' I denied it. But really, i was absolutely shitting myself. We had no idea what management were going to say or do, and somehow i didn't think the outcome was going to be grand.

'Yes. Both of us are.' Liam said nudging me.

'I'm sure it will all be okay. We will stick together no matter what.' Zayn said optimistically. That was easy for him to say.

'Boys, they are ready for you.' The receptionist said politely as she hung up the phone. I took a deep breath standing up and taking Liam's hand.

'I love you, no matter what.' I whispered.


'I'm sorry boys, but this is NOT good for the image of the band.' I rolled my eyes. Homophobe.

'Why not? There is nothing wrong with their relationship! They are doing no harm, you can't help the way you feel.' Harry  spoke up. Although he was the youngest, at only eighteen. He really could be mature sometimes, sometimes it was easy to forget he was the youngest out of all of us.

'Yeah, why not? There is nothing wrong with being gay. If they want to be together, it isn't effecting you. You don't care about others happiness, all you care about is your damn pay check!' Louis added.

'Which might i add, will not be effected just because two of the members in this band are dating.' I looked over to Liam, who had a smirk planted on his lips.

'I'm sorry boys. Either you publicly announce this is just a prank before it gets too much of a mess, or we will no longer represent you.'

I couldn't believe what I had just heard, they were willing to drop us just because of mine and Liam's relationship.

'You have until Friday to decide, see you back here then.'

'Homophobic much.' Zayn mumbled under his breath. And with that we were left alone in the office, dumbfounded at the outcome.

'Honestly lads, if they are going to be such arses about this, i say we drop them. So many people would be willing to take us on, including Niam.' Harry spoke up.

'I agree.' Added Louis with a smile.

'Me too.' Spoke Zayn.

I looked at Liam, he just nodded.

'Looks like we are now hunting for a new manager.' I said, i couldn't help but smile. They really did mean it when they said we would stick together.

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