15- Why D'you Only Call me When You're High?

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(A.N.: Arctic Monkeys reference? Maybe.)

"Ryan! Ryan, hey, hey, buddy. Hey, that's some good stuff, yeah, really good, wow, merry Christmas man, thanks, eh, for tonight wow fuck this is awesome. Fuck I'm drunk."

I laughed, putting my hand on Jon's shoulder. "Yeah, man. Merry fucking Christmas to you too. Damn, I'm waisted too, fuck."

I laughed even harder, making the room spin around my head. "Whoa."

Jon laughed his head off and, a few seconds later, the same "whoa" escaped his mouth, as he reached for the wall, searching for support. As my vision got clearer, the sight of Jon leaning against the wall, nauseous, made me laugh even harder, making me dizzy once again.

At that very moment, Brendon entered the room, wearing the horrible jersey his mom had given him. He stumbled a little, then sat beside me on the couch, beer in hand. "Fuck, man, this is great. Where's Spencer? Anyone seen Spencer? Fuck, Ry, stop moving like that, you're making me dizzy."

"Spencer just got out of detox. He wouldn't enjoy tonight."

"But! I got him a gift!" Jon exclaimed.

Brendon nodded, his eyes not really focusing on anything in particular, "me too, man. Ry, I got Spencer a gift too. You can't tell Jon, though. It's a secret." And with that, he clumsily brought his right index to his mouth, showing me to keep the secret, and blinked slowly.

"I'm right here you fucking twat," Jon laughed.

Brendon gasped, "Ryan! You didn't tell me jon was here! Now he's gonna tell Spencer!"

I laughed drunkenly, "Brendon, you invited Jon. He's been here for, like, hours! You got him beers!"

"Yeah!" Jon chimed in.

Brendon looked at me, then at Jon, then back at me. He blinked. I blinked back. "Really?"

"Yes!" Jon and I both told him the same time.

"Well. I really am drunk," Brendon laughed.

"We all are, man," I patted his shoulder.

"Hey, I really could use a joint. Got some grass, Ross?" Jon asked me.

"Brendon, do you have some left?" I asked my husand.

He looked at me, and then at Jon. "Maybe? I'll check. You two stay right here. There, there," he said, clumsily walking out the room.

A few minutes later, Brendon walked back into the living room. two small white sticks in hand. "Only go two left. I guess Ry and I'll share?" he offered, sitting back on the couch next to me.

He handed the joint to Jon, who lit it with a lighter he took from his pocket. He then threw the lighter at Bren, who lit our joint before taking a drag. "Ah, hell yeah."

I laughed and took the stick from his hand, taking a puff. Jon said, "we should call Spence. It's Christmas Eve, after all."

I nodded, "yeah. Got your phone Bren? 'cause I think I lost mine. Jon, did you steal my phone? B, I think Jon stole my phone."

He laughed and took the joint from my hand, "no man, your phone's in our room. But here, take mine."

I grabbed his phone and dialed Spencer's number, patiently waiting for him to pick up. "Hello?"

"Heyyyy, hey Spencer, hi. How are you?"

"Dear Lord, you're high."

"No I'm not! I had," I paused looking at Brendon, "Bren, how much did we have? There," I paused again, then told spencer, "I had, like, not even half joint. Right Bren? Yeah, half of one. C'mon."

Spencer laughed, "why do you only call me when you're high, Ryan?"

"Aren't you flattered? That I think of calling you when I can't even remember the way to my bedroom?"

"Sure I guess. Why were you calling?"

"Well, Jon's here, and we wanted to wish you and, uh, Linda, a merry Christmas."

"HI SPENCER!" Jon yelled from the opposite side of the room.

Spencer laughed, "tell Jon I said hi."

"Hey, Jon, you twat! Spence tells you to go fuck yourself!" I shouted to Jon.

Jon pouted, "hey!"

Spencer giggled, "yeah, that works too. Hey, merry Christmas, guys. I'll be at your place on monday to pick you up for the airport. You'll remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure! Bren! Spence's picking us up tomorrow for the airport!"

"Not tomorrow, you complete dumbass. Monday."

"Never mind Bren! Spence said he'd get us on monday, he changed his mind."

Spencer sighed and concluded, "whatever. So, see you guys on monday. Merry Christmas, assholes," he laughed.

"Merry Chrsitmas, Spence! Love you, man!" By the time I finished my sentence, he had hung up and Jon and Bren were sitting by the tree, playing with wrapping paper. "You guys are idiots."


(A.N.: needless to say I had way too much fun writing this. Merry Christmas!!! (what do you mean it's july?) guys I'm having really bad post-concert depression ;-; today marks 6 months since the concert and wowie really it feels like it was last week. Ugh. Anyway, see you on Thursday December 25th! By the way, I made research for if there was snow in Spain. I was surprised there wasn't, but all this makes the ending of the story even easier to write. Goodbye now y'all, stay peachy!)

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