Chapter 10 michael your so old part 2

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The boys went to the club so me and ash walked back to the car.

"Where we going?" I asked and liked at him getting into the car.

"Bar?" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay." said me

We arrived at a small pub that looked a lot like the one we were at yesterday, but it had a huge willow tree right outside and it looked very posh.

We walked in and it was beautiful, there was chandeliers,and fish tanks. it was the cutest and poshest place I had ever been.

"Beautiful."ashton said looking at me scan the place.

"Yeah it's really nice here..." I said when Ashton interrupted me saying

"I was taking about you!" and walked over to the bar.

"What do you want?" Ashton asked as he sat down on a stool.

"Whatever your having." I replied siting down next to him.

A bartender walked over and Ashton ordered two fosters.

It was really good but I hated the froth. After 2 or 3 we decided to switch it up and tried something new.

We had a tropical cocktail that was really bitter and my taste buds didn't enjoy it.

"Do you like it?" Ashton asked fixing his bandanna

"It's .... unique?" I replied waving my hands

"Oh I think it's shit!" he basically shouted and laugh

"Same." I replied laughing with him.for some reason it was really really funny and I couldn't stop laughing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a few shots later


I felt kinda dizzy and sick but at the sameû time I felt like I could do anything I wanted.this was my first time being drunk and it was amazing.

I could tell that Ashton was drunk too because he kept bumping into stuff and laughing.

"Can we go?" I asked laughing at him

"Yeahh!" Ashton shouted flailing his arms around.

We waled out ( well I did, he skipped)and he ordered a taxi.

After 15 minuets the taxi arrived and Ashton got in first. he told the driver a secret location that I didn't know about.

We drove around for a little bit and then I herd it!

Summer down simmer down!

Ashton got up and did the only thing he could do..... GO WILD!!

He was dancing around and twerking on the doors it was so funny.

After he calmed down Ashton pulled out his bandanna :(

And he waked behind me. he hugged me and then blind folded me so I couldn't see anything.

Before I knew it the taxi stopped so Ashton grabbed my hand and slowly guided me out of the taxi and on to a small brick wall.

We walked a little then he told me to take the blindfold off.

There was a huge brick wall inches away from my face and when I looked up I could see the letters S.. W... I ...M ..........

I looked at him surprised and he shrugged.

"Coming?" he asked me and pointing to the letters.i nodded and we walked In. for some reason it was in locked.

We walked up to a pool and he began to take off his shirt,

"What am I going to wear?" I asked watching him take off his jeans and putt them on the floor.

"Your underwear?" He said pointing to his black and red boxers.

He jumped in and shook the water out of his hair like a dog.

"Coming in?"ashton asked swimming

"Yeah just I have nothing to wear?" I said

"Were my shirt." he said pointing at it. it was a really big green day t-shirt.

He turned around and I undressed myself. the shirt came half way to my thighs. I turned around and Ashton's eyes lit up.

I jumped up and he cached me.

I laughed and he did too

There was a huge lifeguard chair that caught Ashton's eye,so Ashton climes up it and when he got to the top he jumped off it.

When he landed there was a huge splash and we both laughed.

"I'm really cold!" I shouted getting his attention.

He swam up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pushed me over to the side of the pool where he grabbed my third and lifted me up to the side.

He kept hold of my thighs as he leaned in and kissed me.

His lips and hands were walm and i could feel electricity going through my body.

I wrapped my hands Around his neck and messed with his hair a little as he lifted me off of the side and pressed me closer to him.

I stood up nearly inches away from him and he stroked my cheek and pressed his lips against mine once more.

We parted and he kept hold of my hand as we got out and ordered a taxi.

We got back and the boys were all already there.they were talking about beds and the sleeping a arrangements.

"Just to be fair,Luke I will sleep on the couch tonite so you can have a proper night sleep."I offered and like thanked me.

Ashton kept hold of my hand the whole time and we walked into the kitchen together.

"Hey why did you do that?" Ashton asked looking sad.

"Luke needs his bed," I told him and he nodded still holding my hand.

I let go if his hand and went on the fridge to find a cake I bought earlier for Michael.

I got some huge candles and lit them.

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Michael happy birthday to you

I tried to get everyone else to sing but it ended up just being me. the cake looked like a huge beer and it had quite a lot of alcohol in it.

We are the cake and went to bed.

I got a cover and put it on to the couch and another over me.

I lied down for about half an hour and what he'd some T.V

*bing* i got a text from ash

Ash:u got room for another?xxx

Me:not sure xxxx

Ash: I'm coming to check xxx

A couple seconds later Ashton walked in and looked at the couch.

"I think there is room." Ashton said as he lifted up the cover and got in behind me.

He hugged my waist and kissed me on the cheek.

I fell asleep shortly after that and all I dreamed about was him.

This chapter was a bit long and I hope that is a good thing.

Please go check out tiediedred she writes some awesome books and she was the person that actually got me to write this fan fic xxx .love ya!!

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