(Gelebor x Reader x Vyrthur) Snow White And Blood Red- Part 1

Start from the beginning

The Knight Paladin stood in a shining ivory armor, his deep set eyes were fixated on the ground, his cape gracefully motioning in the cold breeze, a similarly snowy white greatsword rested near his feet. The knight's hands enclosed loosely on the scabbard, he stood as a divine, unmoving guardian as if a wingless angel sent from the plane of Aetherius to protect the grand chantry of Auriel.
And even after such vigilance, the smell of Daphne and Primroses caressing his nostrils, caught him off guard. The Paladin glanced around him, his silvery eyes looking impatiently for the wondrous smell's origin before they froze on the priestess he had been waiting for. As a guardian and paladin, it was considered distasteful to gawk at the high priestess of the Sun-god but what could he do when it seemed that his eyes laid not on a mere priestess but a divine spirit from the Aetherius.
"Greetings High Priestess, the Arch-Curate and the others are waiting for your arrival. The Curate sent me to find you" the Paladin's voice was almost enthralling, slightly deep but gentle, like the soft and soothing touch of sunlight after a snowy night.
The priestess felt like she could stand here and listen to the Paladin's voice the entire day. However she didn't realize that she had been lost in her musings for an uncomfortably long time, Paladin Gelebor slightly titled his head and raised a brow "priestess (y/n)?" he questioned worryingly.
"Huh?... oh" she cleared her throat and smiled brightly "you must forgive my distracted self, I-I haven't slept well the night before... I hope you understand" (y/n) nervously smiled.
The Knight Paladin smiled gently, causing her heart to skip a beat "of course, I believe none of us were able to sleep the night before since we all awaited this grand ritual to Auri-El" he glanced at the ivory pillars of the chantry looming faraway "but I believe standing and talking here is making our precious time to be spent poorly, shall we?" Gelebor stretched his hand out to (y/n).
The priestess sighed and hesitated a moment before placing her hand on his, feeling her face become warm as his grip gently enclosed around her hand.

The halls of the sacred chantry hummed with subtle sounds such as bells, a beautiful symphony of the harp played by a trio of snow elven maidens sitting high up on a decorated seat as if goddesses of the immortal plane, and the familiar voice of priests and priestesses singing in ancient falmeri. It was dark outside but the inside of the temple was illuminated by magical lights, and yet these lights would be outshone when the sun rises.
The Knight Paladin turned his gaze to the priestess and slowly let her hand go
"here we are, the rituals seemed to have started" Gelebor uttered, his gaze admiring the beautiful decorations of the chantry
"It seems that the decorations become even prettier through the years" she said giggling, her eyes lit up in happiness
"Isn't it? I never fail to be surprised when I first step into the chantry during this time of the year, everything seems immaculate" Gelebor smiled as his eyes went to the Arch-Curate who was praying in front the shrine, his flowing cloak lay cleanly on the marble ground behind him "and there is Arch-Curate Vyrthur, he has been waiting for you" the Paladin looked back at (y/n). The priestess smiled at the Paladin
"I won't be long" she muttered, not understanding why she needed to tell him that
"A-Absolutely..." Gelebor nodded, he too not really knowing why they were say 'goodbyes' when she was just walking over to the Curate. The priestess and the Paladin shared a few glances before she took her leave from him, walking towards the Arch-Curate. Gelebor watched her leave, a strange feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach.

Vyrthur's silky silvery tresses lay unmoving upon his shoulders, a few strands of hair lay beside his gaunt cheek, his eyes were closed, his hands clasped together and lips slightly moving as he uttered the prayers to Auriel. The Arch-Curate wore the same ivory armor like the Knight Paladin but the ones he wore shone like diamonds. To her, he didn't look like a simple elf, he was a perfection that she loved greatly but her fear being herself twisting and imperfect him. Vyrthur was someone she desired and yet feared.
The high priestess watched him in admiration, how elegantly he stood, such devotion and love emanated from him when he offered his prayers, as if a presence of Auriel on Nirn.
By now, the Arch-Curate had finished his prayers and opened his eyes to look around him. "Ah, (y/n) you have arrived" Vyrthur smiled softly and turned to face the priestess, taking graceful strides towards her. The priestess bowed her head in front of him and greeted him wholeheartedly
"It's a great honor to be standing in front of you Arch-Curate Vyrthur" she said, not even letting her smile fade even once.
Vyrthur chuckled, his laughter as soothing like the sound of a river flowing in spring.
"You are acting as if you are still a novice priestess back in our youth" his voice sounded calm and caring but yet it held a certain weight of authority to it.
"Before your ever powerful presence, I shall forever be a novice" (y/n) praised
"As much as I appreciate the sweet words, I'm afraid I cannot accept them... as I'm nothing without Auri-El" Vyrthur looked at the golden statue of the Sun-god with gratitude and admiration before turning his gaze back to the priestess "yet here we are spending time talking about me, when there is a flawless beauty standing in front of me... you look divine (y/n)" the Arch-Curate gently held her soft hand and kissed it.
The priestess gasped a bit and attempted to gently free her hand from his grip, when she failed to, she laughed nervously "the dawn is almost upon us... do you not agree that our prayers to Auri-El is more important now Arch-Curate? We can always praise ourselves later on" (y/n) was flustered as she looked away from him
"How could that slip my mind?" Vyrthur slightly gasped and told a priest to gather everyone for the prayers. Still holding her hand in his, Vyrthur ushered her to stand by his side and letting the prayers continue. The priestess sighed of relief when he let her go, even though she only had love and admiration for him, such simple actions from Vyrthur would scare her to her wits end sometimes, even she knew not why. Slowly the halls filled with a peaceful music and then a beautiful elven hymn to their beloved Auriel. (y/n) began her prayers, she was happy and content but such puzzles were her restlessness. The elf looked at the great statue and hoped for her questions to be answered...

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