Chapter 3

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"Dang nash has a hella lot of luck to get to sleep next to her. " I hear cameron say.

"Yeah but still, she's my best friend and like my sister so if he is going to hurt her, I will cut off his balls. No matter if he's one of my best friends or not. " I heard Jack G say.

"Guys you know I'm awake and I can hear you talking. " Nash said in his sexy deep morning voice.

I pretend to still be asleep, because I wanted to stay in his arms, my face laying on his chest, for a little longer. It was so COMFORTABLE.

"Good nash so I don't need to repeat myself. Hurt her and your saying good bye to your balls. " Jack said as we turns around, grabbing Cameron's arm, leaving me and nash alone.

Nash was just about to stand up, but I stopped him.

"Stay here for a little longer please." I asked him, with my eyes still closed.

"Of course babe what ever you'd like. " He kissed my head, laying down again.

He called me babe. With this though I feel asleep again.


"Babe wake up. It's already 1 PM and we need to leave for a meeting at 2 PM. " Nash whispered in my ear.

"WHAT ?! I NEED TO SHOWER AND I NEED TO MAKE MYSELF PRESENTABLE AND ITS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE THAT IN ONE HOUR. UGH" I yelled, jumping up from the bed. Ran into my room taking everything I need, shampoo, razor, a towel and all that kind of stuff into my bathroom.

I turned on the shower stepped into it. Did everything I needed to do. As I stepped out, I took my razor and cut three times. Yes I cut, no one knows about that. Not even jack G or mahogany.

As I got out of the bathroom I went into my closet took out my denim shorts and a grey hoodie. To top it off I put on my grey Jordan's.

I blow dried my hair and straightened it and put it in a high pony tail. I put on some concealer, some mascara, on top eyeliner, powder, some golden eyeshadow and with that I put on some golden ear rings and a golden necklace I got from my brother before he left for the army. I looked one time again into the mirror. Thinking 'wow you look one time good, but you're so fat. Don't eat anymore you little piece of shit. ' And with that I decided not to eat anything anymore and I went downstairs to meet everyone.

On the staircase, everyone looked at me.

"Do I look that bad?" I asked insecure.

"Noo you're not looking bad you look... beautiful " gilinsky said to me.

I blushed "thank you jack. " I looked down.

"Okay guys it's , 1:30 pm should we go now ?" I asked

"Yeah sure okay. I'll take you in a car. And the rest drives with cam. " nash said.

"Sure. " With that I went into his garage and said down in his car.

"Take this bitch." I heard in the back and I felt a hard thing on my head.

The last thing I hear was "NOO" from nash.


Ugh writers block is a bitch -.- I didn't know what to write -.-

Anyways here's a new chapter !! Hope you like it :)xx

-Sara 🙈😚💕

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