First Date

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F/S= favorite show
F/SW= favorite sweet
enjoy the book uwu

Gene •

Gene being the simple, but fun type of guy he is, took you out to a park. The original plan was to sit down, have a romantic picnic under the moonlight. But nope, you found one of Gene's hidden spray cans and you guys spray painted under the bridge, and not suprisingly on yourselves, let's say he ended with a kiss and a bit of purple from your paint mixing with his. (im so dirty minded om)

Dante •

Dante being the "love master" he was knew that you didn't really enjoy classy dinner under candle light and four course fancy meals. You enjoyed fun stuff so Dante and you went out to a trampoline park about half an hour away from your neighborhoods, you guys had lunch at at small burger joint nearby after the trampolines.

Garroth •

Garroth took you out to a fancy restaurant, but it wasn't really fancy as in snobby rich people and french snails as the appetizers and crazy food. No, no no, just a moderately fancy restaurant nearby in town. Garroth was nervous throughout the whole date but eventually warmed up knowing everything was okay. You both had a great time and would definitely not mind doing it again. (not like that huehue)


Laurance knew not to go over the top but not to take you to McDonald's either, even though you probably wouldn't mind it. He took you out to a cute little cafe down the road and you guys chatted over tea and croissants.

Travis  •

Travis was more than aware that you were all for games, any games. Digital or not you'd still enjoy anything with a game. So Travis took you out to an arcade to play laser tag, and then got pizza at the arcade.

Aaron •

Aaron hasn't and isn't ever really been a person for crowds, people, public, anything along those lines. So you guys simply ordered pizza, drinks, and had a movie marathon. Halfway through the movie Aaron had noticed you weren't paying attention to the movie anymore, you were obviously bored. He paused the movie and brought out his guitar. He began playing a beautiful acoustic melody that you happened to know the lyrics too, you and Aaron sat together enjoying the music, singing, and each other's company in general, he even took off his bandanna.(you go girl1!!11!1)

Zane •

Zane, like Aaron, is far far away from being an extrovert, so you guys had hung out at his place having a pony marathon and a f/s marathon, you guys suprisingly finished everything early before it was time to head back home so you guys decided to bake cupcakes and F/SW (if yours is also cupcakes then just ignore the F/SW part). You guys ended up having a food fight while your treats cooked in the oven. At the end of the day it ended with a kitchen covered in flour, some cupcakes and F/SW, frosting all over the floor, sprinkles in each and every crevice, and a kiss on Zane's cheek.


Originally you had ended up on a date with some guy that you barely knew, he had asked you and you felt too sympathetic to reject him, so you agreed. All you knew about this guy was that his name is Fenrir, he's light skinned, and a werewolf. He had texted you to be at a restaurant at six PM. It was now seven and he hadn't shown up. You didn't like Fenrir but it still hurt a bit being stood up. Infact your crush was Phoenix Drop's omega, Ein. You and him were basically best friends. As you  turned to leave you bumped into a man and got knocked to the concrete. you looked up to see Ein, he held a hand out and you took it.

"I saw what happened to you today, he treated you like absolute shit and stood you up. So I made a reservation for two, you and me. We're gonna make this date happen whether its Fenrir or not, " He said sternly.

You nodded since you had nothing else to do. You two talked the night away and he walked you home, making you honestly pretty happy you got stood up

Blaze •

Simple, Blaze planned your date for night time, you and him climbed up to the roof of an old farm house that no one used, you both sat side by side and you laid your head on his shoulder, staring at the stars and moon and talked. You both climbed off the roof and decided to play hide and seek in a cornfield near the farm after stargazing, loser had to pay for the pizza blaze wanted.


You were walking down the streets of Mexico heading to a local museum about the Aztec Native Americans. You  were a traveler and you were currently taking a stop in Mexico. You weren't paying attention to where you were walking and bumped into someone. You fell down landing on the dirt and rubbing your head. You saw a hand out infront of you and you took it. You looked up to see a man with brown hair and forest green eyes. Suprisingly he was a bit pale and not hispanic (or mexican sorry i don't want to offend anyone T-T)

Siento haberte topado contigo,¿hablas inglés?" He asked (I'm sorry about knocking you down, do you speak English?)

"Si, hablo ingles." (Yes, I speak english)

"Alright so do you know where the Aztec museum is m'lady?"

"I'm heading there now, follow me."

You and the man went to the museum together and talked about the museum, and yourselves. You then went to a restaurant and talked about your jobs and more about yourselves. You found out he was a traveler too and his name was Vylad. You guys exchanged phone numbers and left, you guys actually we're staying at the same hotel eheheheheh. (I feel like this wasn't really a date but im calling it one so (: lol)


You honestly thought Daniel was going to go classic and go dinner and movies, but no. He had texted you to dress casual, which surprised you. He also said he would pick you up at 9am. You got up at 8 and slipped on an outfit, did some natural and basic makeup, slipped on shoes, grabbed your wallet, and you were ready to go. He picked you up and took you to a small restaurant to get breakfast. A breakfast date. You chatted alot, keyword you. He stuttered but overall he was a good listener and would nod or shake his head to some questions. He drove you home after and you gave him a kiss on the cheek and left a small flustered Daniel confused and wowed.

Kai •.

Kai took you bowling. You guys ordered bowling shoes, pizza, drinks, and other snacks. You and him bowled the night away, and got competitive. After finishing bowling you and him sat down and finished your pizza and talked, he drove you home and you gave him a kiss, on the lips. You made Kai blush, congratulations!

Eek my first chapter of on my first book. I tried to go for more unique scenarios then other books, some were inspired from other books but some were just things I would enjoy like the breakfast date, and the laser tag. Anways next chapter uwu.

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