"I'm waiting for the meanness, Jeon!" Jimin texted him.

"Baby, you're not being fair." Jungkook replied while pouting.

How beautiful could one man be? Jungkook smiled looking at the picture.

"Wear black. I'll be wearing white, is that okay?" Jimin asked.

"Done! And you could wear anything and I'd still get horny as fuck." Jungkook laughed.

"I AM A GROWN MAN YOU CAN'T SAY SUCH JUVENILE THINGS AND ALSO.... Okay thank you that is very comforting for some reason."

"You're too fucking cute. What time do I pick you up, baby?" he asked.


"See you, baby."

"Love you."

"I love you more."


Jimin picked Jih up and they went home.
"No! But yay!" Jih clapped and beamed.
"Um.. We're going to.. Um... Meet Ironman's friends. You remember uncle Taehyung?" Jimin asked nervously as he drove.

"Yes! He looks like a doll. He's so.. Handsome." Jih's eyes twinkled and became so round that it made Jimin burst into laughter and Jih pouted shyly.
"He's getting married and he.. Called you over for dinner. So Jungkook will pick us up.. " Jimin smiled.
"Really? Wow! Dad! I want to wear something nice. Like... I don't don't know...OOOOO CAN I WEAR THE BLACK SHIRT YOU BOUGHT FOR ME?" Jih jumped and Jimin nodded in agreement.

They reached home and rested for sometime before Jimin helped Jih get dressed. He insisted on wearing formals like him, so he wore all black and had his hair parted like Jimin's. Jimin wore a fresh white shirt and black trousers and combed his hair neatly.

He was so nervous that he was going to meet two very important people in Jungkook's life. They weren't just his friends, but his family. Jimin could feel his appreciation for them from the way he talked about them.

The bell rang and Jih ran up to the door.
"Ironman!" he jumped at Jungkook.
"Oh look. A mini me!" Jungkook laughed as he saw Jih in all black, just like himself. His hair was styled like his too.
"Yes! But I have black hair." Jih pouted and then laughed with Jungkook.

"Hi.." Jimin gulped walking up to him.
"Do I look okay? Oh my God! I didn't get them a gift. I'm so stupid. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Oh my God. Why? Why am I dumb?" Jimin's began pacing around while Jungkook and Jih just stared at him with doe eyes.

"WHAT? DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT YOU TWO ROUND EYED PEOPLE!" Jimin said and Jih looked and Jungkook.

"Is he okay?" he whispered to Jungkook who blinked twice seeing Jimin pace around and looking for his phone with the flashlight of his own phone.
"Um... Jimin.." Jungkook almost couldn't hold back his laughter and Jih laughed in the crook of his neck trying to hide from Jimin.

"Your phone is in your hand and I have the gift covered. Let's go. Don't worry." he held his hand and pulled him slightly. Jimin sighed and nodded.
"You look great, dad!" Jih tried to reassure him too and patted his head.

Jungkook and Jimin laughed at his adorable gesture and then they left. Jungkook drove while Jih danced to music and Jimin looked visibly nervous. He kept looking out and biting his lip. Jungkook almost hated himself for thinking that he looked prettier like this.

They reached Taehyung's house soon and Jungkook parked the car. He got down and opened the door for Jimin. Jih jumped out and danced around the long walk to the gate holding the gucci bag but Jimin gulped as he looked up, his fearful eyes begging for some help.
"It's okay. I'm here." Jungkook said gently pulling him out and Jimin sighed.

Jih got nervous too and held Jimin's hand tightly. The door opened and Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly.
"Jungkook-ah!" he smiled fondly.
"Congratulations!" Jungkook hugged him tighter.

"Comgratu - Congralua- congratulations, s-sir!" Jih stuttered and Taehyung picked him quickly.
"Jihyung! I'm so happy to see you and thank you for your wishes!" Taehyung laughed hugging him.  Jih turned into a shade of bright pink. Jimin was feeling so shy, Jungkook held his cold hand to comfort him.

"Jimin! I am so happy to meet you like this." Taehyung hugged and Jimin hugged him back and smiled. 
"Congratulations! And... I'm so glad to meet you too. It's just a bit nerve wrecking meeting his best friends, more like brothers..." Jimin  whispered to him.

"We're so nervous too. Trying not to mess things up in front of our baby brother's boyfriend his son." Taehyung chuckled and whispered back, making Jimin laugh hard.
"Hey! Tell me too!" Jungkook pouted.
"Sorry. 26 and above only." Taehyung said and then both Jimin and him laughed really hard.

"Guys! Hi!" Jimin  looked past Taehyung to see Hoseok. He was so handsome, tall, sharp features and the prettiest smile.
"Anneyonghaseyo.." Jih bowed to him at 90 degrees and Hoseok quickly kneeled down and hugged him hard.

He then got up and hugged Jungkook who hugged him so tightly.
"Jimin! Wow.." Hoseok sighed hugging Jimin who smiled and hugged him back.

All of them went to the dinning hall and began talking. Tae and Hobi told Jimin tales of Jungkook during school and college, while Jih listened and laughed too.
"Um, Jimin. Have we met before?" Hoseok laughed and asked him.
"Oh. I don't think so. But you look familiar too, maybe we were in the same college. " Jimin beamed at him.

Jimin did become a bit quiet suddenly. It was all too real for him. He looked down as he began zoning out into that ugly space. He felt Jungkook hold his hand firmly and he almost cried.

He loved him so much, he was worth everything. But this pain. He wanted to tell him so bad. Taehyung and Hoseok noticed too but decided to keep shut. Jimin tried his best but he couldn't talk much and began breaking down internally.

It began getting late and the staff was excused too, and Jih fell asleep on the chair after thanking Taehyung and Hoseok for dinner. They picked him up and took him to a guest bedroom where he slept peacefully while they drank beers.

"I'll go get something to eat." hoseok smiled and Jimin offered to help.

They both walked to the kitchen. And they took a few things out to eat but Jimin could barely breathe now and rested his hands flat against the counter as his tears threatened.
"Jimin, is everything okay?" Hoseok couldn't hold back seeing him this way.

Jimin gulped and nodded but he wasn't okay. His heart pounded and he felt dizzy and nauseous.

"You can tell me. We're like family now." Hoseok held his hand. Jimin looked up at him and a tear escaped his eye and then looked away.
"Can I just get a minute alone? Please?" Jimin stuttered and Hoseok agreed reluctantly.

He  began walking out, just when he heard Jimin talk.
"We've met before..." Jimin said.
"What?" Hoseok turned around.
"4 years ago. In my house.." Jimin said as his eyes became bloodshot and his tone dark.
"I don't -" Hoseok said confused.
"Does the name Min Yoongi ring a bell?" Jimin asked darkly and Hoseok gasped.
"The man you were fucking.."

Author's note

:) oop

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