Saviour » George Weasley x Reader

Start from the beginning

But nothing had been okay since that fateful day and the fear bubbling up inside you was almost a constant. "George?" your soft voice filled the silence that pounded inside your ears.

Then a door creaked open. "Y/N?" came a familiar voice from behind it and then a warm hand took yours. "Sorry, I needed some air."

You could hear he was trying his hardest to conceal the tears that layered his voice,  it you knew him only too well. "Oh George," you sighed softly and touched the familiar face before you, brushing away a lone tear that he himself didn't know was there. "You know I'm here for you don't you, no matter what?"

His forehead rested softly on your and you felt him give a subtle nod. "I know; that's why I love you."

"Will you come back to bed? You must be exhausted." George could hear the worry lacing your voice. It was rare for the boy to get more a couple of hours of sleep a night, and even those were disturbed by horrible dreams.

"Not quite yet," he murmured into your hair. "There's something I have to do first." He fumbled with his pocket. "I know this is terrible timing; I had it all planned out. But I keep dreaming that—" he tailed off, "I can't hold it off any longer. I need to know you'll stay with me forever."

You stared to speak but he held a finger to your lips, silencing you. "Y/N L/N, will you marry me?" The question caught you so off guard, stood here in your darkened bedroom in your pyjamas, that you let go of him.  "Y/N?" he sounded worried and took a step back. "Sorry if it was too soon, or if—"

You cut him off swiftly with a kiss. Your tears mingled with his as you both stood there holding each other in the early hours of the morning. You couldn't stop nodding and crying, but then laughing all at once.

There was nothing that would make you happier.


Four months had passed since that day and the day had finally arrived. You could feel the soft drapes of the wedding dress beneath your fingers, your friends and family had assured you that you looked incredible but suddenly you felt queasy.

What if he decides it was too soon? What if you were not perfect enough for him? You tried to push your doubts away, you knew that George loved you and had done for many years.

There was a soft knock on your door and a familiar voice called out. "Y/N?" Luna called out and you turned towards the sound as the door was pushed open. "Wow, you look amazing."

You blushed faintly. "Thanks, Luna. What can I do for you?"

You heard her walk up in front of you and push a small, cold bottle into your hands. "Here, drink this. It's a wedding gift. No questions."

Furrowing your eyebrows, you did what your friend commanded and upended the bottle, feeling the the liquid slip down your throat. At first, nothing happened. Then you felt a tingling behind your eyes. They began to water ferociously and you blinked away the moisture.

As you wiped the last of it away with your finger, you blinked and stared out in front of you. You blinked again. And again. It was still in front of you. You could see.

You could actually see. You stared around you in awe. Sunlight glinted in from the small window of the burrow, lighting up the small but cosy room. Running to the window, you pressed your hand up to the glass and peered out on a spectacular views that stretched out from the Burrow.

The Burrow. You had never seen it before. You could only imagine it's homely interior and faded walls. Your mind suddenly fled to George. The boy you loved but had never truly seen. The only image in your mind was conjured up from hours of running your fingers across the familiar face. George. You had to see him.

First you ran up to Luna. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" you cried, trying to wrestle with your dress as you attempted to run out the door.

"He's not supposed to see the bride before the wedding!" she laughed after you as you hurried down the stairs, lifting the material from around your ankles.

You laughed aloud and burst through the door at the bottom of the flight of stairs you had just descended. "George!" you cried, upon seeing his—actually seeing him—standing in front of you in a black tux that contrasted to his shock of ginger hair.

You stared up at him, taking into your memory every freckle, every feature that you had longed to see for as long as you could remember. Judging by the huge smiled spread across his face, Luna had already told him what she was doing.

"She did it, the genius!" he cried, pulling you into his arms and resting his chin on top of your head as he had so many times before. You gently lifted your face to his and kissed him gently on the lips.

After many moments, he pulled away. "Did I mention you look amazing?" he laughed softly as you stared back up at his beautiful face once more.

When you first met the boy that you, even if you didn't know it, would spend the rest of your life with, you had just joined Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Now, you and George were ready to start something amazing with one another. You both vowed to look out for and protect the other as long as you lived. For, in the end, you were both each others' saviour.


sorry for the delay!!

i hope it was what you were looking for and sorry again for the wait!

hopefully i can write some 13th doctor soon as i love her so much so that's the plan asap.

thanks for reading,

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