38 - Running

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The next few weeks had been surprisingly uneventful. I went to Harry's concert in London and had a great time, he performed brilliantly as usual. I also got to catch up with his mother and sister, who I hadn't seen since the trial and it was lovely to see them again, I had forgotten how lovely they both are. I haven't seen Harry since that night, he has messaged me a few times but I am not comfortable with where our relationship is headed. I just want to be friends, but after Milan and all the time we have spent together I feel like he wants more than I am willing to give. Luckily, he has gone off on tour to Australia and Asia and won't be back for weeks, so I have some breathing room and time to figure out how to 'let him down' easy. 

Niall, on the other hand, is a completely different story. He has been messaging me, morning and night, every day and it had been slowly rebuilding the fragments of our relationship. Keeping to his word, there had been no more pictures of Niall and Hailee kissing, but there had been some videos of them hugging backstage at one of Niall's concert. He had warned me beforehand, saying that since they had been papped kissing, there needs to be some physical contact or more and more people will begin to believe that the relationship isn't real. 

During the last few weeks, my relationships with everyone else in my life had gone downhill. My dad was quick to forgive once I told him everything, but Mikaela was a lot harder. It took her weeks of me apologising, buying her morning coffees and everything in between to get her to talk to me. I understood why she was hurt, I had disappeared without a single word and I hadn't kept her up to date on anything, she is my best friend and I would be pissed if it was the other way around. When I finally earned her forgiveness and told her everything that has happened, she gave me a big hug and told me that I need a holiday, and she was right. I didn't have any pressing cases at work, Liam had decided to try and work things out with Cheryl without a lawyer, but I am just waiting for his call because that never works.

Mikaela and I are leaving for Greece tomorrow. I hadn't taken any leave since I began at my firm apart from the time I went back home with Niall so my work was more than happy for both of us to take a week off, and we couldn't be more excited to sun it up in Mykonos. I had told Niall where I was going, and he was more than encouraging, saying that I had a rough few weeks and I need a break, which was nice. I am kind of getting to the point where I am missing him all the time again, I've almost re-attached myself to him and it's driving me mad, purely because I can't trust him and I don't want to trust Niall completely again to have it all blow up in my face. The situation with Niall and Harry was getting more and more confusing by the day, and I just wanted to disappear and forget about it all and that was exactly what I planned to do. 

The next morning Mikaela and I were at the airport at the crack of dawn, ready for the four-hour flight from Heathrow to the airport in Mykonos. Sitting on the uncomfortable chairs by the gate, we each had a coffee in hand, praying that it gets us through the flight. 

"So what's the plan, what are we going to do first?" Mikaela grumbles at me, not fully awake so she's not really able to form sentences that aren't bitchy. 

"Dunno was thinking the hotel, and maybe sunbathing on the beach. I don't want to do too much on the first day," I suggest and she nods.

"Have you heard from Niall yet?" 

"Nope, he only sent me a goodnight message a few hours ago, so he won't be up for a bit," I explain and take a deep breath, remembering the conversation I had with her about trusting her and opening up. 

"So he has a two-week break from the tour before he goes from the Asian leg to the American leg and I don't know where that will leave us. We haven't talked about it and it's kind of hanging in the air everytime we talk. I know we are trying to take things slow, but I would like to see him again."

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