Chapter 17- Cooking

Start from the beginning

The outcome came out really good. I really wanted to eat it but I knew I couldn't. Emilio and I finally worked together without screaming at each other. I looked at the time and we only had a few minutes left to show her. I grab the stand the heart was on and start walking towards her.

As I walked I made sure I had a clear path so I wouldn't trip and fall. Emilio walked close behind me too. I walked further and further almost to the teachers desk.

I was almost there until the worst possible thing could happen.

I literally trip.

After that it felt like everything went in slow motion.

As soon as I tripped the heart started to fly off and I went to go catch it. I did a long step with my right leg. It was kinda hard since I was wearing skinny jeans that were tight but all I thought about was saving this heart. It started to fall faster and faster and that's when my forearms were underneath of it.

Soon enough I landed on the ground with the brownies in my hand. But my face too.

So right now I was laying on my stomach with my face in the brownies. I did not want to pick my head up. I already heard people laughing at me. Could this get any worse?

I finally lifted my head and got up. I stood up all the way and looked at the ground in disappointment.




I sigh and see that people are still laughing. The joke is over I tripped and fell we get it. After a few second I feel something wrap around the front of my body and tying around the back of my waist. I then feel another tight grip on my waist and feel a body press into my back.

"We gotta go now." I hear Emilio demand in my ear

"Why?" I was confused

"Well that little tumble you took caused you to rip your pants and your underwear was in plain sight." he says.

My eyes grew wide and my face starts to heat up. I wave awkwardly towards everyone. I then feel Emilio pick me up and rush me out of the room.

I don't say a word. I'm just too embarrassed. How does this even happen. Emilio continues down the hallway and I noticed that he passed the bathroom. Where is he going?

"Where are you taking me?" I asked

He doesn't reply as he heads out of the school doors. He walks further and further until we end up at his car. He opens the door and puts me down in the car.

He runs over to the other side and gets in too. He starts the car and drives out of the parking lot. His eyes were focused on the ride while mine were focused on my hands in my lap.

The car ride was silent and I wasn't 100% sure where we were going. Was he taking me to his house? Was he taking me to my house? Was he going to kill me?

I think i'll go with the last option. I mean If I we're him I would kill me too after what I just did. I mean right now we are both failing cooking, one of the easiest classes so yeah I understand.

I wanted to say something to him but then again  I just wanted to keep my mouth shut. I didn't really have anything to say to him. I mean he should apologize to me for trying to pressure me into telling him about my parents. Right?

We soon pull up to his house. So I guess my first option was actually right.

He turns off the car and starts to get out. I open the door and follow him. Before I am able to set foot on grab he immediately picks me up and shuts the door behind me.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now