Chapter 1

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Kelly wrung her hands nervously as the elevator ascended, fidgeting with the cuffs of her blazer she carefully picked out. She tried her best to dress as professional as possible. Parkwood was, after all, the number one business corporation in the world.

When Kelly applied for the internship, she knew it was a long shot. She knew that at least a hundred people were applying as well, and most of them were probably more experienced than she was.

So when the phone rang one day, the person on the other end of the phone saying that they wanted to interview her, you can imagine her surprise. Sure, she was sent to the best business school, got greater than average grades, but was she exceptional enough for an international company? Even Kelly had trouble believing it herself. So she kept believing it was because of her lineage, even now, as she was in the elevator that led to her inevitable death.

Internships weren't exactly breadwinners either. Sure, in the long run; but it doesn't make it any more motivating, knowing that you basically become someone's slave without getting paid.

But still, Kelly could already see the possibilities this internship would give her. She would get a good reputation because of this. She would get thrust into the business, giving her a chance to make a name for herself, gaining a foothold in the corporate world. Internships were the way to go for fresh graduates, and you can't get anything better than what Kelly has right now.

She decided that even if it was still a long shot, if it meant getting a good rep, Kelly would do anything for this job.

Anything? A small voice inside her head whispered, sending goosebumps across her skin and causing her to shiver.

Kelly furrowed her brow at her sudden reaction, What could possibly go wrong? she thought as she shrugged off the feeling of uneasiness.

"Don't be weird, Kelly. You can do this." she muttered to herself as the elevator doors finally opened.

Kelly took in a deep breath before stepping out of the elevator.


Kelly was immediately overwhelmed by her surroundings. The moment she stepped into the lobby, her senses were already flooded.

The lobby was simple, a minimalist design but held an air of elegance to it. The design of the whole room seemed to follow a black and burgundy interior; it's contents followed the lobby's design; from the black leather couches to the burgundy carpets.

She caught a whiff of lavender in the air just as she turned to find that someone has noticed her presence.

Coming from what Kelly assumed was the CEO's office, a woman slightly older than Kelly was walking toward her with a slightly angry expression on her face. She wore a black button down underneath a grey blazer with matching grey dress pants, along with black stilettos that clacked against the floor as she approached Kelly.

Kelly immediately straightened her posture, subconsciously tugging on her blazer as she took in the woman's attire. She herself was just in a white dress shirt under a black blazer, slacks, and an old pair of flats she found in her mother's closet. They were wearing similar things, but somehow it was completely different.

The older woman stopped in front of her, her fierce face melting into something more civil, her hands clasped behind her back. "You must be Kelly Rowland." she said as she looked at Kelly from head to toe. Kelly couldn't help but feel like a specimen under a microscope in the older woman's gaze. "My name is Solange, Vice President of Operations of Parkwood."

Kelly stuck out her hand, "Nice to meet you, Ms. Solange."

The older woman merely looked at the extended hand then back to Kelly's face. Kelly slowly lowered her hand back to her side.

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